Chapter Two

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Alex's P.O.V

I woke up to my alarm again and did the same routine as yesterday. After getting changed and doing my hair, I went downstairs to find that my mum wasn't home. I set off after having some breakfast and when I got to school I avoided the pupils and went to lesson.


At lunch I spent my hour walking around looking for jobs. Don't get me wrong, my mum and I are rich, but I want something to get me out the house. I saw an advert saying that somebody needed a babysitter. I gave the number a call and it was a lady. She texted me her address and asked if I could babysit all day Saturday and all night Saturday as well. Yay.


I finished school after having endless paper balls and pens thrown at me. I even got slapped in the hallway.Nice. My mum wasn't anywhere to be seen so I decided that she's probably getting more alcohol.I went to my room and decided to go to sleep.


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