Chapter Fifteen

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A few years later

Alex's P.O.V

Today's the day that I am going to propose to Emily. We've been together nearly four years now, and we're great together. I was thinking of something simple, like a candle lit dinner at a restaurant and proposing to her then.

"Hey babe?" 


"Do you wanna go out tonight? There's that new place in town that looks good" I asked her

"Sure" She smiled.

I smiled back at her and we went back to watching the film.


It was now 7pm and I was dressed in a red dress that flowed out towards the bottom and some heels. I grabbed a purse and shoved my phone and some money into it.

I walked down the stairs and saw Emily waiting. She was wearing a tight black dress that hugged her curves and make her look fucking sexy.

"Wow, babe... Holy shit" I said gawking at her.

"Shh" She blushed and grabbed my hand.

We got into the car and I drove us to the restaurant which I had already booked seats for. When we got there it looked even better than in the photos. It was so neat and spacious, none of the tables were too crowded together which was good.

After taking our seats at the table we ordered our drinks and waited for our waiter to come back so we could give our order for food. Emily and I made small talk whilst we were looking over the menu. 

"Hello, I'm Thomas, your waiter, what could I get you two lovely ladies?" He said with a bright smile.

"Umm, I'd like the steak please" I said.

"Can I get the same please?"

"Sure thing, we'll be with you shortly. If you need anything give us a call" He smiled again and walked off.

"So babe, any reason why you have dragged me out to a fancy restaurant?" Oh no, don't give it away...

"Umm, I just thought that we could not cook tonight and relax?" I said.

"You're not breaking up with me are you?" She asked panicky, earning us a few looks.

"No no no, babeee I'm never going to break up with you, in fact-"

"Your food is here" Thomas said.

I smiled and said thank you, as did Emily. We started to eat our dinner and made light conversation about work and any plans we had.

As we stood up to leave, I reached into my bag pulling out the box with the ring inside.

"Emily, you've been my girlfriend for the past three years, and they have been amazing. I wasn't too sure of what I was doing with my life until you came along. Who knew what a one night thing could lead to, huh?" She smiled and I got down on one knee "I love you so much, and I tell you this everyday as your girlfriend, but will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" I asked close to tears.

"Yes! Yes baby yes!!" She said crying.

I slipped the ring on her finger and stood up to kiss her. She kissed me back and people applauded, including Thomas who had popped up from somewhere.

We paid for our food and walked out of the restaurant. I felt so happy that I had finally proposed to her.

We went home that night and had a lot of fun ;)


Veronica's P.O.V

I woke up beside Madison and stared at her as she slept. Alex and I were on good terms now that she had proposed to Emily, but I wasn't even bothered about that. All I cared about was Madison sleeping next to me, and how she was the sunshine in my life, I couldn't imagine it without her. Sure, we've had our arguments and stuff but nothing that we couldn't solve. I love her with all my heart, and she knows that.

"Morning creep" She laughed.

"Morning sunshine"

"Why are you staring at me?"

"I was thinking, and I concentrate better when staring at things that are beautiful"

"Awwwee" She blushed and buried her face in my neck.

Yep, I can imagine spending the rest of my life with her. She's the one.


IT'S OVER! THE BOOK IS NOW OVERRRR! Should I do a sequel, or leave it like this?? Hmmm.

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