Ten: The Return Of Auburn

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Warning: Slight innuendo?

Cinder wraps an arm around Kai, trying to physically hug the shivers away from him.

He grins up at her, his eyes brighter, his hair drier and his skin already looking healthier.

"What happened?" Thorne asks. "We only fixed your car a few days ago."

Winter shakes her head. "We didn't actually break down."

Kai looks up, seemingly surprised. "How did the two you end up crashed amongst the trees with a broken car then?"

Jacin shakes his head. "I don't exactly know. I think someone crashed into us and I ended up spiralling. Just when I thought I had us stable again, they came back. I only caught a glimpse of auburn hair before we span again and everything went black..."

"And then Kai arrived," Winter finishes.

Scarlet looks confused. "Someone purposely hit you?"

"Twice?" Cress asks, her voice a whisper.

Kai frowns. "Who would dare?"

The other seven of them share a proud, albeit amused, look as Kai's expression morphs into a protective one. They all know he's too sweet to even jokily elbow someone, but that's not to say he doesn't have other ways of getting revenge on their behalf – perhaps more deadly ways than throwing punches.

"Where's the car now?" Cinder asks, simply wondering out loud.

Wolf shakes his head. "That's not a priority. Jacin, we need to get your leg looked at."

Winter looks up sharply. "Leg? Jacin, what's wrong with your leg?"

She shares a look with Cinder before whispering something to Jacin, who nods and whispers something back, the two of them branching away and starting their own conversation.

Cress coughs. "I can get my Dad to take a look at Jacin?"

"No, we couldn't ask that from you," Cinder says with a smile.

"But it'd be so easy. Winter's going anyway so Jacin could just tag along with her." Cress blushes as everyone stares at her.

"She's got a point," Wolf decides. "But Jacin's the one who has to choose."

"I wasn't going to let Winter go on her own anyway," Jacin informs them, smiling.

"There's still the matter of the person that crashed into you," Scarlet reminds them. "Why would someone try to hurt you?"

Winter shakes her head, clueless. Jacin seems the same, shrugging and slipping a hand into Winter's to comfort her.

"There's got to be some reason, right?" Cinder asks.

"Maybe they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time?" Cress suggests.

Kai looks uncertain. "If that were the case, the person wouldn't have returned to hit them the second time."

"You're right. But, for now, we all need to watch Netflix and chill," Thorne declares.

There's a moment of silence.

Then they all burst out laughing.

"That is not what I meant," Thorne says sheepishly, but grins anyway. "Though maybe in future, eh angel?"

Cress reddens, hiding behind her hair and burying her face in Thorne's jacket.

Cinder scoffs. "Trust you to say that, Carswell."

"What did I say about calling me that?" Thorne grumbles, but he's smiling anyway.

Kai looks kind of uncomfortable, which Cinder had expected, so she kisses his cheek. "Are you warmer yet?"

"I can feel all of my limbs, which is good enough for me," Kai whispers.

"Winter, you okay?" Scarlet asks, her mother hen showing.

Winter nods so they cram onto the two sofas they'd hastily shoved together earlier, bickering about which film to watch first before deciding to let Scarlet choose, since she'd sat closest to the DVD player and would have to be the one to get up and start the next one anyway.

Curled up there, completely wrapped in Kai's shared embrace, Cinder forgets about the car fiasco and lets herself enjoy their movie marathon.

Her hand in Kai's as they pass round the popcorn and snacks, she can dismiss the thoughts plaguing her mind and relax with her friends.

Walking home with Kai, Cinder leaves behind the theories circling in her brain and lets her hands swing casually between the two of them.

But, later in the evening, when she's sat with Winter, she can't do any of those things.

Because Jacin's story had reminded her of something.

Winter catches on, not letting her sleep until she tells her cousin what's bothering her.

"Cinder, come on, what is it?"

"No, it's nothing, I don't need to bother you with this, especially after today."

Winter sits up in her bed, crossing her legs and somewhat glaring at Cinder. "Spill."

"Jacin said the driver had auburn hair..."

Winter swears, claps a hand over her mouth, shrugs as if accepting it, and nods at Cinder.

"My mother, she has a sister..." Cinder starts.

"...who had auburn hair," Winter finishes.

The two of them groan, paling with the realisation that they're not as safe at it would seem.

"We need to tell my parents," Winter says eventually.

"We can't, what would we say?"

"It doesn't matter, this is serious and they'll believe us."

Cinder bites her lip and thinks about it. "What if they make us move house?"

Winter opens her mouth to reply but thinks of Jacin and Kai, frowning.

"Winter, I can't lose him, I..."

"I understand," Winter whispers softly, and she means it. "But your Aunt is so much worse."

"No, Winter- I... Kai is- I can't leave him..." Cinder trails off, unsure of what she's saying.

Winter smiles, laughing. "Stars, Cinder, you're so hopeless."

"What?" Cinder frowns.

Winter shakes her head. "You'll understand soon, I'm sure. Now, what do we do?"

Deciding to let the comment go, Cinder reluctantly makes up her mind: "We tell them."

"Together?" Winter asks.



Cinder doesn't need to glance at the clock to tell her that it's too late; she shakes her head.

"It's way too late, we'll tell them tomorrow morning."

Winter nods, both in agreement and due to sleepiness.

Cinder laughs quietly, gently throwing a cushion that hits her chest and wakes her up enough to push her backwards so she can fall asleep like a regular human being instead of looking like someone froze her on the spot.

Winter sleepily pulls her duvet up and Cinder does the same, letting her hair down before shutting her eyes.

Her dreams are filled with Kai's copper eyes and her Aunt's auburn hair, the two clashing fiercely – as if in battle – despite being so similar.

Cinder, even in sleep, hopes that Kai wins.

Woah, almost 100 reads? Thanks :) This got 1000 views on FFN and I don't think I'm quite recovered yet :) Hope you enjoyed this and see you tomorrow :)

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