Sixteen: It's All Worth It

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A/N: Warning: Child Neglect

Cinder narrows her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" she asks, trying to keep her voice neutral.

The girl flicks her hair over one shoulder and smirks. "I'm doing well, thanks for asking. What's your name again?"

Cinder rolls her eyes at the sarcasm, thankful that Kai appears just then.

"Cinder, hey!" he grins, planting the quickest kiss on her cheek.

She blushes, biting the inside of her cheek to keep her smile in check, especially when she sees the girl scowl and has the urge to grin.

Kai blinks. "Oh, hello Simone."

Cinder inwardly laughs at the thought of Kai not even noticing Simone in favour of kissing her, and wraps an arm around his middle, almost possessively.

Simone just puts a hand on her hip and clears her throat. "So, when does tutoring begin?"

Cinder looks just as shocked as Kai, who shakes his head. "I'm not the one tutoring you, I'm sorry."

Simone clicks her tongue in annoyance but nods, muttering so that only Cinder hears her: "Like I couldn't find that out myself."

"You'll have to ask your tutor for when they're free," Kai says.

"What if I don't want to?"

"Then you can fail your exams," Cinder hisses, grabbing Kai's wrist and pulling him with her.

She hears Simone darkly mutter something but ignores it, hoping Kai will do the same, which he does.

Kai shakes his head as he falls into step beside Cinder. "Why don't you like her?"

"There's nothing to like."


"Why do you like her?"

"There's nothing to dislike," Kai mimics.

"I have a bad feeling about her."

Kai just shrugs in response and laces their hands together, gently swinging their arms back and forth.

She laughs, but then remembers the list she'd been given by Adri, and her expression turns sour.

"What happened?" Kai asks, worried.

"Adri's list. Stars, I really hate her."

"What's on your list?"

"Weekly shopping," Cinder mutters glumly.

"Is that all? That's easy, come on." Kai tightens his grip on her hand and pulls her along.

"Where are we going?" Cinder laughs.

"To defeat your list!" Kai laughs back.

She grins, the two of them running all the way to the supermarket.

"I win!" she laughs breathlessly as Kai gracefully skids to a stop next to her, running a hand through his hair and nodding.

And for once, she doesn't care that she's living with people who send her to do all their work. She doesn't care because she can spend that time with Kai, either complaining or attempting to have fun, or both.

They finish late into the evening, still in their school uniforms and laughing like idiots as they walk back to Cinder's place.

"Thanks, Kai," Cinder whispers, pulling him closer so she can kiss him.

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