Chapter 1 - Headgirl and Headboy

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~Lily POV~

I sprint into the wall between 9 and 10, one second, Muggles walking along the platform, the next, Witches and Wizards, holding trolleys packed with trunks and owls and broomsticks. I take a deep breath, smiling at being within the Wizarding World once again. I hear my name being yelled, and I look and see my two best friends: Alice Prewett and Marlene McKinnon.

I waved and pulled my trolley before me. My owl, Eleanor, her white feathers gleaming in the sunlight, hoots in hello when she see's Marlene and Alice.

"Lily!" They both say together.

"Hey! How was your summer?!"

"It was amazing! I got to see Frank for a week, and we went to some weird Muggle thing called a carnival!" Alice said. Her and Frank had liked each other since our 3rd year, but both were too shy to ask each other out.

"It was fun. My parents took me to the Quidditch World Cup! And how was your summer?" Marlene

"It was great! I was made Headgirl!" I said, beaming as I showed them my badge.

"Nice summer, Lily?" someone said behind me. I knew that voice . . . this voice belongs to James Potter. I turned and said, "It was fine." I said, surprised he didn't ask me out yet and called me 'Lily' instead of 'Evans'.

"And how are you, Marlene and Alice?"

"Great." Alice said.

"Good. And I suppose you know who Headboy is?" Marlene asked James.

"I, in fact, do know who is Headboy."

"Well, who is it then?" Alice asked eagerly.

"Me." All three of our mouths dropped.

"Y-You? Headboy?" I shuddered.

"Yeah . . . and I assume that you're Headgirl?"

~James POV~

Lily's expression looked equally shocked and depressed. I frowned at her.

"Well, we should be getting on the train." I said, looking at my watch. "Come on, guys."

I heard Marlene and Alice, talking to Lily, and Lily saying something like "That will NEVER happen!"

~Lily POV~

"Lily, he was being nice for once, he didn't call you 'Evans', and he didn't even hint at flirting with you, let alone asking you out!" Marlene said.

"Yeah, Lily, I really think he has changed." Alice said.

"Come on, Lily, trust me, he's going to be your future husband."

"That will NEVER happen!" I said, and then we pushed our trolleys towards the train, pulled our trunks in, me with Eleanor, and found an open compartment.

~James POV~

"She entirely hates me. I have no chance. None at all." I said gloomily. Sirius shook his head, and Remus opened a book, and shook his head as well, looking as though he knew something I didn't.

"James, you cant just give up. She'll come 'round."

"Of course I wont give up, Padfoot, but even if I do try, she will NEVER like me. Even as friends."

"James, your just lying to yourself. Trust me. Do you want to bet?"

"I thought we already made a bet! In our first year!"

"Oh, yeah, I remember that . . . but do you want to make another bet?"

"Fine. How much?"

"For all the money we're betting. If, like what will happen, that Lily Evans will have fallen in love with you by the end of the year, you owe me 10 Galleons. If, like what will never happen, that Lily will always hate you, I give you 10 Galleons. Fifteen, even!"

"It's a deal." We shook hands, and Sirius grinned.

~Lily POV~

"Honestly Lily, you should give him a chance! And besides, since he's Headboy, your going to be spending a lot of time together." Alice lectured. I checked my watch. It was 11:26.

"Oh! I have that Headboy/Headgirl/prefect meeting in 4 minutes. I better go. Bye." I said. I waved, and walked out. I took a last glance at them, and they both were grinning.

I walked down the small hallway towards the compartment where the meeting would take place. James will probably show up late and ask me out in front of all the prefects, I think. But, when I walk in, I find that I'm wrong.

James and Remus are there. They are both reading a book, and when I walk in, they both look up.

"Hey," James and Remus and said, both closing their books. "So what did you do this summer?" James tried.

"Well, I just read a lot, did all of the homework for the holiday, I guess. Nothing much."

"Cool." James said, and nodded. Then the prefect for Gryffindor, Natalie King, and both Ravenclaw prefects, Jake Strawn and Kiera Quill. After they sat down, the Hufflepuff prefects, Raina Court and Amos Diggory. And the Slytherins, Regulus Black and Narcissa Black.

Professor McGonagall came in and said, "Attention, quiet please!" all the talking from the prefects stopped immediately.

"So being a prefect (and/or a Headboy/Girl) means taking responsibility. That means no breaking rules. Stopping fights, not starting them. Being good role models." She said. "So, the Heads, Ms. Evans and Mr. Potter, will sort out who will be taking which shifts. These shifts, a pair of you will be making rounds about the school and making sure that nobody is out of bed past their curfew." She said. She turned to me and James, and said, "I suppose the both of you know what to do?" We both nodded. "Good." She then turned towards the door, and left without a backwards glance.

"Alright, so me and Lily can do the first shift tomorrow at 8-10. Then, Remus and Natalie can do Sunday from 8-10. Amos and Raina can do Mondays. Jake and Kiera can do Tuesday. Regulus and Narcissa can do Wednesday." James said. "Are there any volunteers to do Thursday or Friday?"

"I can do Thursday." Remus said.

"I can do Thursday, too." Raina from Hufflepuff said.

"And I can do Friday." I said.

"I can do Friday, too. I don't have Quidditch practice on Fridays." James said. I nodded. "Okay, so that is the schedule for the month. We have another meeting in a month." I said.

"This meeting is now over." I said. Once everyone left, I decided to clean up a bit before I left.

"Hey, Lily?"


"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. For being so rude and mean all those years. And I'm not asking you to forgive me, I just want to say that I'm sorry." James said, giving me a sad smile.

"Oh, James . . . of course I'll forgive you. I'm glad that you apologized." I smiled, and so did he.

"Thanks, Lily."

"Your welcome, James."

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