Chapter 33 - Drunk at the Three Broomsticks

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~Lily POV~

"You know, breakfast is the best part of the day,"

"James, please, it's getting a bit annoying with you telling me this everyday."

It was the first morning that I was back home after saying a week in St. Mungo's. James was cooking for one of the first times in his life, since me and Remus would always be in charge of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

"Just because I can't cook breakfast, doesn't mean I have to eat breakfast. I'm not even hungry!"

"Lily, please, let me make it for you."

"Make some for Sirius! He's been yelling once every hour from his room that 'He's hungry!'."

"Yes, but Sirius will eat it like a dog!"

"He is a dog."

"Oh, I guess your right," James replied. "Sirius!" He yelled. About a minute later, Sirius walked in, hair messier than James's, yawning.

"What?" Sirius yawned, sitting down next to me.

"Want breakfast?" James asked.

"Not from you! You always ruin it and burn it!"

"I do not! It's just a little . . . Well done."

"Not 'well done', it's 'burnt to a crisp'."

"Last time I made you a sandwich, it was only a little burnt."

"James, face it, you start to make something, but you forget about it half way through, and only notice it once the fire alarm starts beeping."

"Okay, that was one time!"

"It was several times! Remember that one time when Lily was gone, you tried to make two sandwiches, and almost burned down the house two times."

"And when was this?" I asked, alarmed.

"A couple weeks ago when you went to Marlene's house."



"What? Don't yell at me!"

"And why should we not yell at you?"

"James, why didn't you tell me?!"

"I didn't think it was important!"

"Almost burning the house down is pretty important!"

"We had it all under control — I didn't want you to worry."

"Alright, alright, fine. You know what, lets go out tonight. I'll make the girls come with us — we'll go to the Three Broomsticks, drink some fire whiskey!"

"Oh, I love fire whiskey." Sirius said, grinning.

"When have you ever drunk fire whiskey?" I asked.

"Once in fifth year, the four of us all —!"

"Shut up!" James growled.

"Jeez, alright."

• • •

"Come on, Al, just come with us! You can bring Frank!"

"No, I don't want to go and get hammered. Could I come and drink Butterbeer?" Alice replied, sitting down at her table.

Me, Marlene, and Dorcas had all gone to Alice's house after I convinced them to come with us to the Three Broomsticks. But now, Alice refused to leave the house.

"Yes, I suppose, but why not try fire whiskey? Sirius said it's really good —!"

"And your listening to Sirius?"

"Not about most things, but this, yes."

"Okay, I'll go, but I'm not going to drink any fire whiskey — and I don't think Frank will be able to come, he's got Auror training tonight, I've got a break."

"Yes!" I said happily, clapping my hands together. "Okay. Come on, then, les go!"

"Lily, it's one o'clock yet, I thought we were going tonight?"

"Well, yes, but let's go to my house and do something before we go."

"Like what?" Marlene asked as we walked to the door, Alice writing a quick note for when Frank had come home.


"Oh, yes, I'll play you, Lily," Dorcas laughed. "I always win against you!"

"Don't rub it in, Dorc!"

"Hey, I said I didn't like that nick name! Call me 'Dora'."

"Just 'Dora' isn't even pronounced in your name! 'Dorc' is!" Marlene said.

"Well, I don't like being called Dorc."

"Don't worry, Dorc, we're not calling you an actual dork!"

"But it sounds like you are!"

• • •

~James POV~

"James," Lily said. She stared at me from across the booth, face totally straight. "James, James, James, James is a funny word!" Lily said, bursting into laughter.

"Lily, you are so drunk." I said, laughing slightly.

"Lily, James, Lily, James, Lily, James — Ha! It's so funny! It's so funny, right James?"

"Lily, we need to take you home, alright?"

"No! No no no no no, I wanna stay! It's so funny here!"

"Lily, come on, let's go home —!"

"Sirius! I don't think Sirius wants to leave!" Lily laughed, as Sirius walked over to us. He looked from Lily, to me, and back again like we were crazy people.

"Sirius, please tell Lily she needs to go home —" I said. "She really drunk." I added in a whisper.

"Oh, yes, come on, Lily, we need to get you and Remus home." Sirius said.

"Sirius, what have you done to Remus?!" I asked, looking around for Remus. He was sitting alone at a two person table, talking to himself quietly, and staring down to the table.

"Alright, Sirius, you get Remus, I'll get Lily." I explained. Sirius nodded, and walked off to force Remus to leave. Lily continued to protest, until I just lifted her up into my arms.

"James, I love you." Lily said suddenly. And for a second, when we looked at each other, I knew that this wasn't just some drunk Lily talking. She stared at me for a second before kissing me hard on the mouth.

"James, I thought you were bringing her home!" Sirius yelled, half dragging, half carrying Remus with him.

I ignored him, and walked out, Lily still held tight into my arms, and I sped down the side walk, down out of Hogsmeade, apparated in front of the house. Once inside, we pulled away.

"James, I can't believe it's taken this long for me to let you know," Lily whispered. 

"I love you, too, Lily." We kissed again, and I knew what I needed to do.

• • •

Hey guys! Sorry, this chapter is REALLY cheesy, but I hope you all liked it!


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