Chapter 11 - Christmas Holiday and Wedding Bells

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~James POV~

(time lapse to the first day of Christmas holiday)

"I miss Lily-Flower," I complain.

"I know James. You've said that a hundred times," Sirius said irritably, flipping to the next page in The Daily Prophet. "Why don't you owl her?"

"I've already done that." I say. Just then, my owl, Finch, tapped on the window outside. I opened the window, and he flew in quickly. I hurriedly untied the letter, and read it.

Dear James,

How are you? I'm fine. It's pretty boring here at home, but it's nice to see my Mum and Dad again. I've mostly been studying and doing my homework. It's so boring with out you here. I miss you. I can't wait to get back to Hogwarts again. I know it's only been a day, but I miss it. I don't know what I'll do when we finish. Well, owl me back soon! I miss you!


I jump back onto my bed, and sigh, holding the letter to my chest.

"Poor, Lovesick, Prongs," Sirius says, smirking. I get up, glaring at him.

"I am not Lovesick."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah really!"

"You haven't stopped talking about how much you miss her, Prongs," Sirius says. "Your in deep."

"Deep? What's deep supposed to mean?"

"Your in deep love." I don't object, but just sit down at my desk, and start to write Lily another letter. I do love her. There's no doubt about that. I never doubted that, never, not when she rejected me, not when she showed just how much she hated me. No, I never doubted that I loved her. I finished up my letter, and folded it, setting it back down on my desk. I'll give Finch a break before sending the letter.

I toss Finch an owl treat, and then head downstairs, leaving Sirius in our room. Sirius had moved here the summer before 7th year. He left his family, it was getting too much for him to handle. I walk down the stairs, and hear a knock at the door. When I open the door, something jumps on me - more like someone. My favorite ginger. My favorite person.

"Lily?" I ask, pulling away slightly. "What're you doing here?"

"I just had to see you."

"Why?" She pulls away now.

"Because my sister, Petunia, and her boyfriend, Vermin - sorry, it's Vernon, that's just a nickname I have for him - are engaged. I didn't know until just yesterday, because my Mum and Dad don't know how to owl me. The wedding is this Sunday, and I have to be a bridesmaid. I also wanted you to come as my - as my - as my date." She says that last part quickly, her face turning a deep red. I smile.

"Yeah, of course I'll go with you. You didn't think I would say no, did you?" I say. She stays silent, blush growing on her face. She looks down at her feet.

"Lils . . ." She looks up. I just decide to leave it at that. Maybe she really did think that I would turn her down. But how could she think that? "Alright . . . come in." Then, Sirius bounded down the staircase.

"Hey Lily," He said. "What're you doing here?" As Lily explains to Sirius why she's here, I can't help but wonder why she had thought I wouldn't go with her. I think I have to show her how much she really does mean to me.

• • •

(time lapse to the morning of Petunia and Vernon's wedding)

~Lily POV~

I wipe my sweaty palms on my lavender dress. I look at Petunia in her long, white gown, her friends gathered around her, smiling, and talking quickly, complimenting her on how her beautiful her hair looks, how her white dress fits her perfectly. I smile at her, and she smiles back.

She hasn't been as terrible as she used to these past few days. I think it's because of how happy she is that she's engaged. Or maybe she's grown out of the phase - of thinking that I'm a freak. I don't know.

Petunia sighs. "Oh, I guess it's time," She says with a glowing smile.

• • •

Petunia and Vernon pile into the car, both beaming and laughing with happiness. The shut the car door, and drive away, waving out the window. After I watch the car go down the road and become a small speck, I go into the crowd, looking for James. Then I knock into someone. James.

"Hey, Lils. How are you? You look amazing," James says, smiling.

"Hey, I'm fine, how are you? Do you just want to skip the rest of it?" I ask.

"Only if you do."

"Alright, lets go." I take his warm hand in mine, smiling when he squeezes my hand, as we set off for the parking lot. We apparated here, and so we need to go somewhere nobody will see us Disapparate (sorry if I spelled it wrong). When we find a good enough spot, and unclasp or hands.

"Bye James," I say. "See you tomorrow." Christmas Eve is tomorrow, and I'm going to go to James's house for a Christmas party. Remus, Marlene, Alice, Frank, almost every student in our year will be there.

"See you tomorrow." James says, grinning. I turn slightly, and disappear from the parking lot.

• • •

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating a lot. Sorry, I think I've been saying that in every chapter. Hopefully next chapter will be updated quicker. Okay, thank you


For voting for me in these stories, I really appreciate it!! Alright, thank you all for voting for my story, and keep up the votes and comments and feedback!! Give me some ideas for the Christmas Party ...



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