Chapter 29 - Tied up, part 2

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~Lily POV~

"You two, lets go," I glared up into the dark face of the Deatheater I had stunned before. He took the neck of my robes and yanked it up, so I was forced to stand. James and Remus were forced up too, and I watched Sirius stand up by himself, pushing himself up against the wall.

"Come on, you three. We're going to . . . Interrogate your friend here." The Deatheater snarled. The Deatheater pushed me, James, and Remus or the door, and as we were ushered from the room, the door slammed shut as another Deatheater followed into the room where Sirius had been. I saw Remus and James' skin lose all color, as the fainted of screams called out from where Sirius had been.

We walked along a long, dark corridor. Shivers ran up my spine as Sirius' screams echoed along with us. We finally reached a door, and were thrown in. The door slammed loudly again behind us, and there was a short click, which meant that the door was locked.

The room was pitch black, no windows or light switches, and to my belief, the room wasn't very big.

"What are we gonna do?" James said, pacing past the door.

"James, stop," I said, stopping in front of him. "We're going to be okay. Everything will be okay in the end."

"How, Lily? We're locked in this room, Sirius is being tortured, Deatheaters are probably listening in on our conversation right at this moment —!"

"It's not going to end like this. Someone will come, someone will save us. Dumbledore, I'm sure, knows exactly where we are, what's happening, and is on his way to save us!"

"Lily, we were captured right as we walked into the house. We were ambushed, and I'm 100% sure that any other people from the Order will be too. They won't expect anything this that! They'll expect us, with some Deatheater tied up, waiting to know what to do!"

"There'll be someone who's cautious! I mean, Dumbledore of course will! And there's Kingsley, and Moody, who's never not cautious!"

"Stop fighting!" Remus yelled suddenly. Me and James stopped abruptly. "Lily's right James, someone will know to be cautious, someone will be able to overpower one Deatheater," James slid down the wall into sitting position, and I sat next to him.

"James, I know you're worried about Sirius — I am, too, and so is Remus, but thy won't kill him yet, they'll need information from Sirius. And frankly, I don't think that they'd spill so pure of blood."

"But I'm not just worried for Sirius. What about you? Whose a Muggle-born, and Remus, he's half-blood. They don't like half-bloods, either. And me and Sirius are blood traitors." I sighed deeply.

"All I want you to worry about is a plan on getting out of here."

• • •

"When he comes back in, James, you'll tackle him, I'll shut the door so whatever he yells will be muffled, Lily, you need to take his wand, and stun him." Remus explained. Me and James nodded, and we walked to our assigned spots, Remus behind where the door would open, James on the other side of the door, me in front of the door.

After a couple minutes, we could hear muffled people taking, laughing even. But the problem was that there was more than one Deatheater.

I stood ready to jump, and finally, the door swung open. Two people fell to the ground, and I jumped at the second Deatheater, taking his wand on his way down. Just before te Deatheater got the ground, Remus slammed the door shut, and for a small second, someone had fallen to the ground. Sirius.

"Stun them, stun them!" Remus yelled.

"Stupefy!" Me and James yelled together.

"Sirius, Sirius! He was outside!" I yelled. James unbolted the door to find Sirius, staring in awe at us.

"What the hell was that?" He yelled, scrambling up from the floor, his mouth still hanging open.

"We need to get out of here!" I yelled.

"Wait a second, I recognize that Deatheater — he was the one who stunned us! He must have our wands!" Remus exclaimed. They all ran back to the room, reaching around in both Deatheater's pockets. But there wasn't any wands in their pockets.

"Put a silence charm on them, so when they wake up, nobody will be able to hear them," I said as James put a silence charm on the two Deatheaters. "And I know a few charms to lock the doors." I added. I moved my wand in the air, muttering the charms under my breath.

"Okay, lets go, Remus and Sirius, stay behind me and James, just Incase we see another couple of Deatheaters." We set off down the long, dark corridor, seeing no one our way around.

After a couple minutes, I asked, "Do any of you know where we're going?"

"Nope," the boys said. I sighed.

"Okay then. Maybe we should split up? And then whoever finds an exit goes and sends for help?"

"Lily, the people in horror movies always split up and always die!" James exclaimed. "And Remus and Sirius haven't got any wands!"

"Well, I thought we should split up in twos, James and Sirius go one way while me and Remus go another way."

"I don't know Lily . . ."

"Come on, it's our best way of finding someway out!"

"Oh, fine then, but if you get into trouble, send that Patronus message."

"Okay." I said. I walked up to James and kissed him hard on the mouth, hugging him tightly. James pulled me closer to him, and we stayed like that until Sirius said, "Time is ticking, lovebirds."

"Hey, if I want to kiss the love of my life, I'm going to!" James said, and they turned left, walking away down the corridor, bickering loudly. I sighed deeply, and looked back at Remus.

"Shall we go, then?" Remus nodded, looking a little amused, and we walked off the other way in silence.

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