Chapter 16 - Galleons are Passed

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~Lily POV~

Me and James walk into the Great Hall for breakfast on Monday morning, and the entire Hall quiets into whispers. As we walk to the Gryffindor table, trying not to acknowledge anyone, I can see that many people are passing Knuts, Sickles and Galleons. We sit down at the table, Sirius and James on one side, me opposite them.

"You two have been the 'hot thing' at Hogwarts," Sirius smirks. "People really wanted to see if it was true."

"What do you mean 'True'? Didn't I kiss him at the Quidditch Cup? Everyone saw that," I said, taking a piece of toast from the plate in the middle of the table.

"True. But then again, not everyone was at the Cup, and most people were celebrating, and didn't see you guys kiss, and some people are sceptical,"

"What do you mean 'sceptical'?"

"Well, even though some people saw it happen, not most people are going to believe it considering how Lily's been rejecting you for the past six years."

"Makes sense," James says, nodding. When we walk into Transfiguration early that morning, Professor McGonagall questions us about it.

"Ms. Evans - Mr. Potter - and I know that it may seem - silly - to ask you two this, but I have to - are you two finally together?"

"Yes, Professor," James says, grinning as he puts his arm around my shoulders. I smile up at him, nodding to Professor McGonagall, and she clasps her hands together, smiling.

"I must run to your Professor Slughorn - he owes me five Galleons," She says, dashing from the room and down the corridor, down the flights of stairs to the dungeons.

We go to sit down at the back of the class.

"Well, Minnie is a fan," Sirius says.

"Minnie?" I ask.

"That's our nickname for her," Remus walks through the door, smiling as he sits down on the other side of me. "Now, James, you must know that now that you're with Lily, you can't hurt her, or else I'll have to break your arm."

"Remus, who do you take me for?"

"I'm just reminding you -"

"Now, now, Moony, I have to be by Jamesie, Lily, now you can't go breaking my Jamesie's heart, and I know people say 'you can't punch a girl' and everything, but let's just say that your books just magically disapear -"

"Sirius, first of all, I would never hurt James unless he hurts me - which will never happen, I know that - but, you. Can't. Touch. My. Books." I growled.

"Okay, I won't," Sirius muttered. He also said something about 'crazy bookworm', but I decided to just leave it. After a couple of minutes, Professor McGonagall came back into the room, smiling happily as she called attention.

• • •

"You know, I fantasize about what we'd do if we walked upon a first year," James said. We were on patrol for our Head boy and girl duties. Every now and the I would check my watch. Right now, it was 10:45. Our shift ended at 11.

"Really?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"Yeah," He nodded. "I mean, it's never happened to us, yet."

"Yet," I checked my watch again. 10:46.

"You know, I never thought that I would ever get to be around you like this." James says after a couple of minutes.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, like, when you can actually stand to be around me. I mean, you've hated me for the last six years."

"James, I'm going to tell you something that I've never told anyone - can you promise me that you wont tell anyone, either?"

"Oh course, Lils."

"Well, even though I always acted like I hated you, or said I hated you, I never really hated you. It was just I disliked you from time to time, like when you bullied Severus. But then again, Severus bullied you back. And maybe I disliked you, I . . . felt like I could trust you more than him. He was always very secretive, and whenever I had gone to talk to him, he would just push me away, because I'm a filthy mudblood -"

"Don't ever call yourself that," James scolded. I didn't notice the tears until they were falling slowly down my face. James walked closer to me, and wiped the tears from my face, kissing me lightly on the forehead as he hugged me tightly.

"You know, it feels nice to talk to someone," I whispered. "Especially you." I stood up on my tiptoes, and kissed him lightly on the lips. I could feel him smile, and I smiled too. It felt nice to be with James. Natural.

"You should be in your beds, not snogging." A cold voice said behind me. We both pulled away to see Severus standing there, looking angry, tears welled up in his eyes. I didn't know why he would be crying, though.

"We're patrolling." I said quickly, my face growing red. "And besides, you shouldn't be out of bed, either." Severus glared at us, his mouth curled into a scowl. I glanced down at my watch again. We had two minutes left.

"Doesn't look like patrolling to me," He sneered. I shook my head at his angrily.

"C'mon, James, lets just go," I said, taking his hand in mine. James' eyes narrowed at Severus once more before following me back down the corridor.

"What a prat," I muttered when we made it back to our common room.

"Night, James," I said.

"Lily, wait-" I turned back around. "Do you - do you ever regret ending your friendship with Snape?"

"No, of course not, James! Look at what he's become! A Deatheater, someone who judges people on whether or not they're Pure-Blood or Muggleborn! I don't really like people who are like that." James nodded. I walked over, and kissed him again. The kiss was long and sweet and warm. When I pulled away, I smiled at him.

"Goodnight, James." I walked up the stairs.

"Night, Lily."

• • •



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