Chapter Four

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Tahlia's Dream


                 Two men and what appeared to be a man with a severed left arm rode horses to the exit of Asshai. It was the man Tahlia had been promised to before he slaughter her entire family. "They did that to you." One of the men asked. "That they did." He said riding under the exit.


                   I woke up in a cold sweat and breathing heavily. I pushed my hair back and tied it up. "It was just a dream." I said quietly. "Just a night mare." I added laying back down flat on my back. Looking out the window it was morning. I sighed and sat back up and grabbed my clothing and began to get dressed.

                "You wish to confess your crime." Yes, my lady. I do, my lady." Tyrion said, I stood in the back of the room and leaned around a wall. "Skycells always break them. Speak, Imp. Meet your gods as an honest man." Lady Arryn said. I sighed and watched. "Where do I begin, my lords and ladies? I'm a vile man, I confess it. My crimes and sins are beyond counting. I have lied and cheated, gambled and whored. I'm not particularly good at violence, but I'm good at convincing others to do violence for me. You want specifics, I suppose. When I was seven, I saw a servant girl bathing in the river. I stole her robe. She was forced to return to the castle, naked and in tears. I close my eyes, I can still see her tits bouncing. When I was ten, I stuffed my uncle's boots with goat shit." He said making me smiled and cross my arms over my chest. "When confronted with my crime, I blamed a squire. Poor boy was flogged and... I escaped justice." He continued and I wanted to laugh badly. "When I was twelve, I milked my eel into a pot of turtle stew. I flogged the one-eyed snake. I skinned my sausage. I made the bald man cry into the turtle stew, which I do believe my sister ate. At least I hope she did. I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel-" "Silence!" Lady Arryn said hearing enough. "What happened next?" Her son said standing up. "What do you think you're doing?" "Confessing my crimes." "Lord Tyrion, you are accused of hiring a man to slay my son Bran in his bed, and of conspiring to murder my sister's husband; Lord Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King." Lady Stark said. "Oh, I'm very sorry. I don't know anything about all that." "You've had your little joke. I trust you enjoyed it. Mord, take him back to the dungeon. But this time find a smaller cell, with a steeper floor." Lady Arryn said. I sighed. This was getting boring. "Is this how justice is done in the Vale? you accuse me of crimes, I deny them, so you throw me in a cell to freeze and starve? Where is the King's Justice? I'm accused and demand a trial." Tyrion demanded, I rose a brow. "If you're tried and found guilty, then by the king's own laws you will pay with your life." "I understand the law." Tyrion said. " We have no executioner in the Eyrie. Life is more elegant here. Open the Moon Door" Lady Arryn said and then several men started turning a wheel and opened a hole in the middle of the room. "You want a trial, my Lord Lannister. Very well. My son will listen to whatever you have to say, and you will hear his judgement. Then you will leave, by one door or the other." Lady Arryn said, this wasn't fair at all. "No need to bother Lord Robin. I demand a trial by combat." Laughter erupted all over the room. "You have that right." "My lady, I beg the honor. Let me be your champion." "The honor should be mine. For the love I bore your lord husband let me avenge his death." "I'll fight for you, my Lady." "It'll be my honor." "The honor should be mine." "Make the bad man fly!" Her son yelled standing up, Lady Arryn turned her attention to the man who lead us here. "Ser Vardis... You're quiet. Did you want to avenge my husband?" She said. "With all my heart, my Lady. But the Imp is half my size. It would be shameful to slaughter such a man and call it justice." He said, I rolled my eyes. "Agreed." "You demanded a trial by combat." She said frustrated. "Now I demand a champion. I have that right, same as you." He said. "My Lady, I would gladly fight the Imp's champion for you." The knight said and Tyrion smirked. "I wouldn't be too glad, ser. I name my brother, Jaime Lannister." He said and all the room shuddered at the name. "The Kingslayer is hundreds of miles from here." Lady Arryn said. "Send a raven for him, I'm happy to wait." He said with no problem. "The trial will be today." Lady Arryn said and I sighed. "Do I have a volunteer?" Tyrion said looking around the room. A large majority of the room laughed. "Anyone?... Anyone?" Tyrion said begging. "I think that we can assume that no one is willing-" "I'll stand for the dwarf." This guy was just giving his all to get on Tyrion's good side. I sighed. Tyrion smiled and Bronn shrugged slightly. The men again crank and the Moon Door is opened. Ser Vardis prepares himself with a sword, shield and full body of armor. Bronn refuses a shield and is only wearing leather clothes. "FIGHT!" Lord Robin screamed. The two men move forward. Multiple times Vardis swings forward and multiple times Bronn casually steps to the side, causing Vardis to waste his energy. Bronn moves backwards as Vardis continues to swing away, eventually up a staircase. Bronn hops over the staircase railing, again avoiding Vardis' attacks. "Stand and fight coward." Lady Arryn said. I eyed the fight carefully. Bronn kicks over a candle stand in front of Vardis. Vardis steps over it and is again on the offensive, moving Bronn towards the center of the room, close to the now opened Moon Door. The men hold one another off directly in front of the door, Vardis appearing to have the edge. Robin is giggling as Tyrion looks worried. Bronn muscles Vardis' blade away from him and steps to the side. Vardis yet again goes excessively offensive and swings for the fences and Bronn keeps stepping away. Vardis moves Bronn again to the middle of the room, as he swings for Bronn's head, Bronn ducks and stabs Vardis in the belly. "Yes!" Tyrion said less worried now. The room is in disbelief. "Enough Ser Vardis! Finish him!" Lady Arryn said. Vardis moves forward, muscling through the pain. Bronn side-steps him a few more times and slices through his back. Vardis swings once more, but Bronn shoves his body towards the Moon Door. Bronn is in complete control as Vardis is defenseless against the door. Bronn looks up at Lysa and Robin who have blank faces - faces of shock - so he thrusts his sword into Vardis' neck, killing him, and pushing him out of the Moon Door. He was breathing heavily and looked at Tyrion. "Is it over?" Robin asked looking at his mother, I smirked. I liked this guy. "You don't fight with honor." "No... He did." Bronn said. Tyrion turned to Mord and he uncuffed him. "Can I make the little man fly now?" Robin asked his mother. "Not this little man. This little man is going home. I believe you have something of mine." He said walking over to Rodrik, Lady Stark nodded solemly and Rodrik tossed him his purse which in turn Tyrion tossed to Mord. "A Lannister always pays his debts." He said and exited with Bronn on his trail.

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