Chapter Seven

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               "Tyrion." I said as he ate. "There was some uh, well to put it to you lightly, there was a murder that happened in Pyter Baelish's brothel last night." I said as we began to walk through the corridor. "What do you mean." "Well-" "For a sell sword, you're not good about talking about murder." He said, I sighed. "I believe your sister ordered the city watchmen to kill King Robert's bastards." I said, he looked up at me. "Something I believe my sister to do." He said. "You can't trust Janos." I said and he nodded. "When you see Bronn can you tell him I need to speak with him." "Of course." I said before walking away.

                    "Damn it, boy!" Janos said as Pod spilled his wine. "Apologies, my lord." He said bowing. "Leave us, Podrick. I believe we know how to pour our own wine." Tyrion said. "Is that your new squire? Could have found you a proper lad." Janos said. "Myself, I prefer the improper ones." Tyrion said. "Hmm, that's a good red. Dornish?" "You know your wines, my lord." Tyrion said. "That I do. A fine dinner, my lord." Call me Tyrion, please. I'm sure you're getting used to fine dinners, now that you're a lord." "Maybe I'll hire this cook of yours." "Wars have been started for less." Tyrion joked and they both laughed while Janos sipped his wine. "I heard there was some trouble in Littlefinger's brothel the other night." Tyrion said casually. "Hmm. Nasty business, had to be done." Janos said setting his wine glass down in front of him. "Yes, of course. City Watch must keep the peace. Only, I hadn't realized peace depended on killing babies." "Orders are orders." Janos said. "Quite right. Especially the queen's orders." "I never said they were the queen's orders." Janos said. "No, but who else would want to murder King Robert's bastards? She's always been a jealous woman." "You know your sister better than I do." "You've heard the awful rumors about my brother and sister." "I don't listen to filth." "That's good of you, but you have heard them. I suppose people who do believe that filth, consider Robert's bastards to be better claimants to the throne than Cersei's children." "Joffrey is my king, the rest doesn't interest me." Janos said sipping his wine. "I appreciate your loyalty. Tell me, when your men slaughtered Ned Stark's men in the throne room, did you give the order?" Tyrion said looking at him. "I did. And I would again. The man was a traitor. He tried to buy my loyalty." "The fool! He had no idea you were already bought." Tyrion said. "Are you drunk?! I'll not have my honor questioned by an Imp." "I'm not questioning your honor, Lord Janos. I'm denying its existence." "You think I'll stand here and take this from you, dwarf." Janos said dramatically standing up. Bronn and I walked, I stood a good 10 inches shorter than him. "Dwarf? You should have stopped at imp. And yes, you will stand here and take it from me, unless you'd like to take it from my friends here." Tyrion said gesturing to us, Janos turned around and scoffed at me. "I intend to serve as Hand of the King until my father returns from the war, and seeing as you betrayed the last Hand of the King, well, I just wouldn't feel safe with you lurking about." Tyrion said. "What are you ta- My friends at court will not allow this. The queen herself-" "The queen regent. And you're a fool to believe she's your friend." "We shall hear what Joffrey has to say about this." "No, we shan't." Tyrion nodded and Bronn gestured for some armed men to come in and apprehend Janos. "There's a ship leaving for East Watch by the sea tonight. From there, I'm afraid it's rather a long walk to Castle Black. I hope you enjoy the Wall. I found it surprisingly beautiful, in a brutal, horribly uncomfortable sort of way." "The boys will escort you. The streets aren't safe at night, my lord." I said. "These men are under my command." Janos said and Bronn laughed. "I command you to arrest this cutthroat and woman." "Their names are Bronn and Tahlia, and they are new commanders of the City Watch." Tyrion said. "Lads." I said, and they all came are Janos. Janos began shouting at us as they took him away. "I have friends at court! Powerful friends! The king himself made me a lord!" He yelled, I smiled and sat down on the opposite side of Tyrion and on the other side of the table from Bronn. "To the new Commanders." He said raising his glass. "If I told you to murder, an infant girl say, still at her mother's breast, would you do it without question?" Tyrion questioned, I shook my head. "Without question? No. I'd ask how much."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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