Chapter 5

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Tyler had quit her job at Jasper's school much to the kids dismay.
She had fallen into a depression.
She kept hearing screams.
She had already broken some glass cups because the haunting screams and the crack of whips.
She hadn't seen her guardian because she locked her doors and her bedroom door.
But she doubted that would stop him from getting in.
Only he hadn't.
That fact seemed to bother Tyler.
It was almost like he didn't care.
There she went being selfish.
She'd only known the guy a week.
So why did she care if he didn't care.
She was currently sitting on her bed staring out of her window.
There's was a reason she moved to jasper. For its quiet. For its silence.
Only now she was being awoken by past screaming.
She deserved this.
She didn't want admit it but being near Optimus shut out those horrific cries.
That's why she was staying away from him.
She deserved to hear them scream.
a whine at her locked door informed her that Cyborg knew something was wrong.
She unlocked the door but didn't open it. Cyborg would handle that. She walked to the edge of her bed and sat down. Sure enough the sound of claws on wood and a click told Tyler that Cyborg had gotten in.
He nudged the door with his nose to close it and padded his way across the floor.
He jumped on the bed and laid his giant head on her lap licking his maw. He whined.
"You still hear the screams too boy?" Tyler asked her companion.
He whined again, took a paw , and swiped his ear.
"Yea I thought so buddy." She said.
Yes, she deserved this. She had left them all behind and more souls then Cyborgs and her own could have been set free too if she hadn't been thinking about herself.
Maybe this was why she still heard the screams.
The guilt that ate at her.
She sighed.
Cyborgs head snapped towards the door, his chain collar making a clacking noise.
Tyler turned towards the now open door to see Optimus in his human form.
She turned back towards the window and , sensing his owner was calm, Cyborg laid his head back down.
The bed shifted as Optimus quietly sat beside Tyler.
He didn't say anything.
He just looked out her window.
Minutes went by.
"I was a slave." Tyler said not looking at Optimus.
Optimus's head snapped in her direction. Her now pink hair swayed a little from the breeze coming in through her open window.
She took a deep breath.
"I've never told anyone. I've always felt like it was my burden and secret to carry and I didn't think people would understand. Or if they did that they would look at me with disgust.
When I was 8 years old my parents had taken me to a carnival. They took me at night time because that's when all the lights were the most beautiful.
One of the things my parents strived to do was make me happy. They loved me. I loved them. So much.
When we were in line to ride the fares wheel some men grabbed my parents and me and dragged out of the carnival and all the way into the woods.
One of them had an axe. They grabbed my father and pushed him to his knees. They then grabbed the axe and....and hacked him into pieces. My mother held me to her and screamed. After they were done butchering my dad they raped my mom and did the same to her. To this day I refuse to understand what the point of killing them was. A message to me maybe?" Tyler spat 'butchering' with hatred.
"I thought they would kill me too but they didn't. Instead they beat me and stuck me in the back of a van. It was about a weeks worth of travel before they finally opened the van and dragged me into a slave camp. Us slaves dug up coal and diamonds and all sorts of things. We were fed once a week, if the overseers didn't forget about us.
Most people didn't survive the first day but I kept giving myself false hope. Telling myself that I would get out. No one cared about us so if a certain woman went missing because an overseer raped and killed her, no one did anything.
I had one friend there. She was like me and would assure me that we were going to get out. Only one day two overseers came and raped her and killed her. I tried to stop them by screaming but they didn't falter and after they were done they decided I needed to be punished for my misbehavior and well..." she paused and got up.
She took her shirt off and turned her back to Optimus so he could see.
The Prime clenched his fists even harder.
Scars that ran from between her shoulder blades to her lower back could be seen.
They were thick and gruesome. Optimus thought his teeth would break by how hard his jaw was clenched.
Her shoulders were slumped and her head hung in defeat.
"I didn't want to live. In fact I was dead on the inside. I dug for years and didn't register anything. That's when I noticed a certain overseer dog watching me. One night I heard jingling and watched that dog literally unlocked my cell while the overseers slept. I walked out and the dog led me to an exit that was guarded by overseers. I felt rage like nothing before. I'd taken one of the pickaxes and killed every overseer I came across. I even fought some off. The dog was by my side the whole time ripping them into shreds with his massive jaws."
Tyler turned to her dog and put her forehead to his.
"Cyborg saved my life that day." She said kissing the dogs forehead.
"Then while we were escaping he ran off and lost half his face to this hunters and I...I"
"You killed them." Optimus finished for her.
She nodded as tears flooded her eyes.
"I moved to jasper and watched these people for years and I sulked but then I realized what my cell mate always told me. She said that once she got out she would live in a tiny town and try to help and protect anyone in need. When she died I lost it but I knew she wouldn't want my light to be snuffed. So, I lived her dream for her. I honored her. Or I tried." Tyler let tears fall.
"I'm still haunted by those screams and punishments. I wake up in the middle of the night each day and my sweat feels like blood. Every night I puke and sob and shake." She turned to Optimus but didn't look at him.
"But I am so tired. I can't do this anymore. I'm lost. I have no one. Nothing. I'm in pain and I try to be strong but I can't. I put on a smile and try to be a witty ungrown girl but the truth is I'm a little girl grown up too fast. I hear the slave's that I left behind still screaming. I left them behind." She slid down the wall and covered her eyes with her palms. Her fingers were curled inward as her palms pressed to her eyes.
She sobbed.
She wept for those she left behind.
She wept for her dead friend.
She cried for every scream she heard.
Suddenly her hands were pulled away from her face and light flooded her face.
Crouched in front of her was Optimus. He held her wrists gently in his hands. He leaned forward and kissed away the tears that slid down her cheeks and he closed her eyes.
He then pressed his lips to her closed eyelids and brushed a strand of pink hair out of her face.
Her neon blue eyes pierced his own.
He stared at her ignoring the painful tug in his spark and the voice telling him to stay away.
"Millions of years of war have gone by for cybatronians. I have seen my comrades fall and I have seen them butchered and tortured. My world is deceased and currently there is nothing I can do to revive it. I have terrible pain in my spark and horrible memories in my processor. I won't go so far as to say I understand how you feel. I haven't been used as a slave but I have seen horrors as well. Everyday I have a team to worry about and I am tired too. I have been shut in darkness as well." He said. Tyler hung her head.
"But maybe..." he said lifting her chin with his finger.
"Maybe..together we can find a way back to the light. Maybe we can dull the pain. Together."
He finished, his eyes going between and looking at both of hers.
He waited for her to respond.
She sniffed and opened her eyes.
"Let me help you..." he said.
"I think...i think I would like like that." She looked up and smiled.
Optimus shocked her and smiled while lacing his fingers through hers.
They would heal.

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