Chapter 8

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Tyler jolted awake with sweat coating her like a second skin.
Her stomach churned as the images from her dream replayed over and over again in her mind.
She bolted from the bed and into her bathroom and began the process of puking.
This had to stop.
She was getting weaker because of her loss of energy whenever she hurled her food up every night.
She was skinny and only weighed 102 which was bad for someone her age.
She knew Optimus had awoken.
Not because he was in the bathroom with her or anything but because she saw him in the mirror sitting on the side of the bed watching her with sad eyes.
When she was done puking she sluggishly flushed the toilet and sat in front of it on her knees and wept.
She covered her face and sobbed.
The cold chill of her house bit her naked form and she sobbed even harder as it felt like the cold damp cells.
Back in her room Optimus sat on her bed and watched her.
She knew he was giving her space.
He knew she didn't want to be pitied.
He knew.
Tyler, after her puking and sobbing, had gotten what little rest she could before the sun peeked inside her room.
Optimus wasn't beside her anymore.
She sat up and frowned when she noticed him sitting in a chair across from her bed.
He was fully dressed and his elbows sat on his knees as his head hung.
"I can't do this." He said.
Knowing he wasn't done, she remained silent.
"I cannot please you again or have a relationship with you. I'm sorry but I still love Elita even though she has perished and is one with the all spark." He finished as he lifted his head.
Tyler kept her gaze focused on his own pretending that he hadn't just shattered her heart into a million pieces.
"We must return to base. I have unfinished work that I need to tend to." He got up and straightened his jacket.
Tyler looked away.
This couldn't be taken from her.
For once she had felt wanted.
She stiffled a cry.
She didn't want this to end.
A light in her darkness was about to be extinguished and because she was broken,
She was going to let it.
She had been given a taste of paradise on a string only to have it yanked away from her.
She didn't know whether to be relieved that something so beautiful was being taken away before it got too serious or furious because this blissful paradise was being ripped apart by False hopes and Foolish dreams.
But the truth was, she was dying on the inside.
She was so tired of pretending and yet she couldn't let him see her broken.
She couldn't be near him right now.
But she wouldn't show him that.
No, she was going to put on a smile and be understanding and shove away the selfishness that ate away at her soul.
And she hated herself for it.
She hated this Elita for it.
And she hated whoever cursed her with such darkness for it.
"You go ahead. I have work to do here. Organizing. Cleaning. Stuff like that." She forced that god awful fake smile.
"I don't feel comfortable leaving you here unprotected." He said carefully as if trying not to make it come off as sounding like he cared for her.
She ignored the pain that flashed throughout her body as she said, "I'll be fine."
And because he was so determined to separate himself from her, he complied.
"Okay. I will accommodate myself in the garage tonight when I return." And with that he left.
Tyler listened to the sound of him driving off before getting up to dress herself.
She was numb.
Her world was murky like the fog that hovered over a swamp.
She walked to her living room before turning the TV on.
The news.
"Here we are at an abandoned illegal slave trade facility named AFAR. As you can see there isn't much of it left after an explosion set off by an unanimous worker. Most slaves were put down brutally by being burned alive or beaten to death.
Some body evidence suggest that some were even skinned alive and tortured to death."
They weren't hiding back on details as picture after picture of bodies flashed across the screen.
"Illegal records were found on the count of slaves and the body count also shows that all slaves were killed. Not one spared from this horrible treatment.
let's take a look at the condition of the captivity cells and-"
The TV'S screen shattered as she hurled the remote at it.
She had been held captive there.
Due to her selfish arrogance she hadn't even thought about freeing them and mow they were all dead.
Thanks to her.
She ran to the bathroom and puked again as their pleading voices pierced her mind.
Thanks to her.
She sobbed and screamed until her voice was raw. They would never have the experience she did.
Thanks to her.
She hadn't even called the police to tell them anything.
She'd been a coward.
She flushed the toilet and sobbed.
She got up.
She walked to the sink and rinsed her mouth out.
She brushed her teeth.
She looked in the mirror.
Her beautiful face was smothered in tears.
"What do I do?" She whispered.
"What do I do?"
She stood there.
Yes she was broken and yes she was in pain.
But right now, she couldn't falter.
Right now she couldn't break completely.
Right now she would get up and smile.
So she did.
And she walked out of the door to her house and sat down on her porch.
She let the breeze slither around her and she let the smell of cacti and dessert flowers shove their way up her noes.
This was home now.
It used to be a foreign word.
Cyborg came and sat beside Tyler.
He laid his massive head on her lap.
"I love you boy." She told him.
He licked her finger.
She just sat there and watched as kids ran by playing.
She smiled and listened to them laugh.
Cyborgs head perked up and he looked at Tyler for permission.
"Go play boy. I'll be okay." She said.
He licked her face and then ran to the kids barking.
They all said ,"Cyborg!!" Happily.
"Hi Tyler!!" They waved and she smiled and waved back at them.
She sighed.
Footsteps came up behind her.
They paused and then continued walking until they were beside her.
Someone took a seat beside her.
She smiled.
"I thought you wouldn't be back until tonight." She turned to look at her guardians holoform.
"My work was handled." He said watching the children play with the gigantic dog.
"Hmm." Was her response.
"I heard about the destruction of the slave facility. I'm sor-" but Tyler stopped him.
"They're in a better place now. They're free from pain and suffering." She said. "It won't stop the horrible memories that haunt me at night but its good enough for me." She said sighing.
Optimus set his hand on hers.
They looked at each other and smiled.
Optimus then set his forehead against hers.
"I have been deep in thought. Elita is gone. And I found myself coming to terms with that. If you can let this pain go then...I'm sure I can let mine go as well. So Tyler, will you give me a chance? To......court you?" He whispered.
"Hmmm....let me think about it..." she teased.
Optimus smirked and grabbed her.
He tickled her into submission.
"Fine!" She giggled.
"I'll give you a chance." She said wrapping her arms around his neck.
He started to lean forward for a kiss but Tyler pressed a finger to his lips.
She smirked and got up.
And ran.
And sure enough he ran after her.
Of course with his inhuman speed it was no surprise that he caught her so quickly.
And when he did she felt light.
Her light was back again.
And this time she wouldn't let it go..

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