Chapter 9

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Tyler sat on the base's couch with
The kids.
The autobots were on a mission and the kids were worried along with Tyler of course.
Megatron was at it again and Tyler was worried about Optimus.
what if this was a final battle and one of them didn't make it back?
The kids were currently trying to focus on their game but their own worry ate at them causing the fun of the game to wash away.
Then Tyler had an idea.
"Hey guys. Why don't we go to the fair?" She asked.
"What about the bots?" Miko asked pouting.
"They'll be fine and besides we need a distraction and I'm sure Ratchet wants his space." She said pointedly.
"Not only that but I'll pay for everything." Tyler promised with a grin.
"Okay." They said in unison.
They perked up with smiles.
"Ratchet could you-" Tyler started but he cut her off.
"No time for goodbyes there's the bridge." He said quickly and opened it.
"Thank you." She said and looked at the kids.
"After y'all " she said gesturing to the bridge.
Once all of them passed through they found themselves behind a building in front of the fair.
They made it to the gates and Tyler paid for wristbands.
Once they were strapped on, Miko dragged everyone to a roller coaster.
It was huge and seemed to go for miles.
They waited in line, Miko bouncing with excitement, as jack said,"Thanks for this Tyler. We really didn't need to be worrying about the bots."
"Its no problem jack. Now let's have some fun." She said as they made it to the front.
All four sat together in one bin.
When the roller coaster started, it went slow at first and then sped up.
All four stuck their hands up and whooped.
Raf laughed so hard.
A picture snapped of the four and when the ride came to an end, Miko grabbed it.
"So going in the scrap book!" She said fist pumping the air.
"Let's do the mirrors." Raf said.
All of them walked over to the mirror stands and walked into the entrance.
They stayed together and Miko ended up holding jacks hand.
Turns out she hated the mirror maze.
Next ride was even more fun then the first one.
Soon it was dark out and they had done everything.
Jack and Rafeal had won Miko and Tyler stuffed animals.
Tyler had kinda helped Raf win her a stuffed animal.
And afterwards, Tyler bought them all ice cream.
now they were saying goodbye.
"That rocked! Thanks Tyler." The Japanese girl jumped on Tyler and smothered her in a hug.
"No problem Miko." Tyler responded laughing.
"Well I have to go but I'll see you soon." She said running off.
"Thank you Tyler. I had fun." Rafeal gave Tyler a hug.
"I did too Raf. Do you think you can hold onto this for me?" She asked gesturing to her big teddy bear.
Rafs face filled with even more excitement.
"Yea!" He said taking the bear from her.
"Thank you." Tyler said.
Jack then gave her a hug.
"I'll take Raf home." He said.
"Bye Tyler." They said walking away.
She waved.
She then began her walk home.
She made to her house and was greeted by Cyborg.
"Hey big guy. Did you have fun?" She asked him laughing.
He barked.
"I'll take that as a yes."
She smiled.
She unlocked her door and let her dog in.
She started stripping from her clothes while walking down the hallway.
She hopped in her shower and cleansed herself.
She hopped out and dried her hair.
She pulled her night gown on and sighed.
Her hair was still damp and it felt good.
She crawled into bed exhausted.
She fell asleep.
Optimus pulled into his girlfriends, as humans say, Garage.
He walked inside and smiled rolling his eyes.
Be picked Tylers clothes up and threw them in the hamper.
He took his shirt off and threw that in her hamper too. He left the Autobot emblem necklace on.
He walked into her bathroom and washed his face.
He stopped and looked in the mirror.
Tiny arms wrapped around his waist and a head rested on his back.
"Hello." Tyler said tiredly.
Optimus let out a breath.
He turned around and scooped her small body into his arms.
She leaned her head against his chest and closed her eyes.
He slid her into bed and climbed in himself.
He wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her to him.
He burried his head in her neck.
"Goodnight Beautiful."
Optimus woke up and didn't feel Tylers body.
He jumped out of bed and ran downstairs.
He let out a breath of relief when he saw her eating ice cream and watching her dog play.
he came up behind her and stole her bite of ice cream.
"Hey! You big lug." She swatted at him.
He smirked and kissed her quickly, his lips now cold by the ice cream.
He then began to walk back upstairs.
"Your shirts in the dryer!" She called up to him.
"And you should not be eating ice cream for breakfast!" He called down to her.
"Bite me!" She called back up.
Optimus's footsteps paused. His Foot steps began running back down the stairs and with a squeak Tyler dropped her ice cream and bolted into another room to escape said bite.
Optimus was driving to base with his charge.
Tyler was excited to see the kids again.
She smiled at the memory of the fair.
She had pinned a picture of the four of them to her mirror.
They pulled into base.
She smirked at what she saw.
"Give it back jack." Miko stood on her toes trying to reach her phone.
Jack held it in the air.
"Then tell me you love me." He smirked.
Teenage romance.
"I love you jaaaaack." Tyler said tackling him in a hug.
"I wasn't talking about you but I love you too." Jack said.
"Anyways Miko I have your phone so- wait where'd it go?" He asked noticing that he no longer had it in his grasp.
"You mean this phone." Tyler held it up and smiled.
Jack and Miko shared a look.
"Get her!" They yelled.
"Raf. Heads up!" Tyler threw it to him.
He caught it clumsily.
Tyler ran to the other side.
Ref threw it to her.
She ran up the steps.
Miko and Jack turned to her.
Tyler stuck her tongue out at them.
Then Tyler,on some kind of weird unexpected instinct, flipped over the railing and landed in a perfect crouch.
Shocking all of them.
"How did you do that?!" Miko stood with her mouth gaping like a fish.
"I-i don't know. I just did out of instinct. How did i- I mean- I've never done that before?" Tyler stuttered.
Her eyes seemed to glow at that moment.
Of course she didn't notice it but-
"WHOA!" Miko said.
"What?!" Tyler panicked.
"Your eyes are glowing!!" Miko said totally stoked.
"I can't see them!" Tyler panicked even more.
"My camera." Miko said.
Tyler took a picture of herself and gasped at the results.
Her eyes were indeed glowing.

Her eyes were indeed glowing

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"Wow." Was all Tyler said.
Then she was scooped up.
"I'm going to run some tests on her and see what is happening." Ratchet said determined.
"I am coming as well." Optimus stated.
"Ep ep ep ep. I need space Optimus. No distractions." And with that he walked Into his operation room.
He set Tyler on a medical table.
He took samples of blood and did several different types of scans.
He was now looking at her blood threw a giant telescope.
At least it looked like one.
She was sitting quietly just playing a game of thumb war with herself.
"By the allspark." Ratchet said.
He scooped Tyler up and she squeaked.
He also brought along his data pad.
By now her eyes had stopped glowing.
"Optimus!" He said fastly.
"What is it old friend." Optimus said looking up from the giant computer screen in the main room.
Optimus's optics scanned over Tyler.
"These are Tyler's scans and this is her blood sample test. Her bone density is not normal at all. In fact her whole skeletal system isn't normal. Her DNA has shifted somehow and her cells are no longer .....flesh. They're more like our electrites." Ratchet said amazed.
"What are you saying ratchet?" Arcee asked confused.
"Yea, English please?" Miko said pipping up.
"What I'm saying is......" His optics widened as he said,

"Tylers turning into one of us."

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