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After the movie-- they had watched a romantic comedy that had just came out-- they decided that they would go to that pizza place, but get a separate table than the ones his friends would be at.

Ally had to admit it. So far, it was a pretty good date. Not that she actually knew what a date was supposed to be like; she'd never really went on a real date in her life. She only knew what she saw in the media, about dates.

Nathan had been attentive, asking her a couple of times if she needed anything from the snack bar, even going to refill her Sprite with no ice. Maybe Ally would beat Bethany's challenge. Maybe she could deal with having sex with only Nathan. After all, she could end the relationship, and go right back to doing what she usually did after the month was up. Maybe she would come on to him later tonight.

"So, how'd you think the movie was?" He asked her as he opened his car door for her. She guessed that was chivalry for you.

"Oh, um, I thought it was fine." The truth was, she didn't really pay much attention to the movie. She was trying to covertly sneak glances at him every few seconds. But, nobody should blame her; he was gorgeous.

He smiled crookedly, that dimple of his showing again. "Good. Have you ever went to this pizza place?" He asked her as he drove down the street, towards Waters.

Actually, she had, but that was only with one of her hookups; he'd been unfathomably hungry. "Uh, yeah, yeah. Once." She didn't think mentioning her hookup would be a good idea.

A few minutes later, he turned into the pizza place's driveway and parked.

"Looks like only a few of my friends made it." He said as he peered into the lighted window, and turned his car off. "I'll introduce you to them."


"These are Mike, Laya, Aliyah, Tom, Desiree, and Eric." Each person waved a hand when he called there name. "Everybody this is Ally."

"Hey," They all chorused, all except Laya. She practically glared at Ally.

Ally needed to get away from the rampant stares. "Nathan, I'm, uh, going to the restroom. To wash my hands." She had no clue why she added the 'wash my hands' part.

He smiled at her, his eyes smiling at her, too. "Okay. I'll get us a table, then."

She left for the restroom, where she did indeed wash her hands, but she also stared at herself in the mirror. "Just one month. Just one. I can do this. Even if it means getting stared at, or even meeting his friends." She said to herself.

When she walked out, nobody at the table had noticed her. She did overhear their conversation, though. The one named Laya practically seethed. "Who was that?" She asked.

"That's my date, Ally, like I said before." Nathan said, in answer to her.

Laya looked so angry that Ally was surprised that she ddin't start frothing at the mouth. "Well, I don't like her."

Nathan's expression looked indifferent. "You don't have to like her. After all, she is on a date with me." 

Ally wondered if he were completely clueless. It was obvious that Laya liked him.

Before Laya could add anymore denouncing of Ally, she cleared her throat, to make her presence known. Everybody at the table, except Nathan and Laya looked uncomfortable. Nathan smiled at her. "I decided to wait for you, to see if there was a preference about where you wanted to sit."

Ally was surprised. "Oh. I don't care. you can pick."

Nathan bit his delectible looking mouth, glanced at his friends, then led her to a table across the dining room from their table. "How about here, then."

Ally couldn't help but feel like she had just gotten between him and his friends, yet she hadn't done anything. Maybe after this month, his friendships would be mended.

"So, who's that Laya girl to you? She seemed pretty... apprehensive to our dating." Ally said, curious, but hopefully not sounding too nosy.

Nathan's smile dimmed a little, but he answered. "She, ah... well, she sort of likes me. I don't like her back in the same way, though, so it's kind of hard on her, I think. It doesn't help that we used to hook up for a month or two."

Ally glanced over her shoulder, and it was like Laya had super hearing, because she gave Ally a glare that if looks could kill, Ally would be twice over dead by now.

Oh, great...


Thanks for reading!! I hope you all like it so far!

** If you have any canididates for the cast of characters that have been introduced so far, then comment down below with them.

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