House guest

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Chapter Nine

After the end of their date, Ally’s night was seen through a daze.

Was this the first time that she’d realized that he was sweet and nice? Yes, yes it was.

Whenever she thought of him, now, she felt something like super sized butterflies in her stomach, battering around, as if trying to get out.

When she unlocked her apartment door, she immediately knew that Angie wasn’t there. Why couldn’t she had been there? This was one of those moments that Ally actually needed to talk to someone about what she felt.

And that scared the hell out of her.

She, who never committed to a relationship with one partner had feelings for someone who would obviously see her as a long time girlfriend material.

She wanted— no, needed

She heard the front door open. Angie was home.

Ally quickly climbed out of her bed, and out into the living room with boy shorts and a long t-shirt on.

“Angie! I need to talk to... you.” Ally blinked when she saw the man lumbering behind Angie and pushed up to the door.

Angie jumped and turned to Ally with a slightly guilty look on her face. “Maledizione! Ally, you shouldn’t sneak up on people like that!”

Ally didn’t know what to say, but what she was thinking was, “Isn’t that the guy who spent the night last night... And some obscure time before that?” She didn’t say any of that, though, because she knew Angie would end up crossed with her and that wasn’t a nice prospect, since they saw each other for at least eighteen hours a day.

The awkward silence was so tense that Ally could’ve cut it with a butter knife. Angie just kept blinking at both Ally and the Mystery Man house guest, looking somewhat confused. Ally sighed, and took the situation in hand. She held her hand out for the guy to shake. “Nice to... meet you. I’m Ally, Angie’s roommate. And you are?”

He cleared his throat. “Oh, um, Aidan McGuire. And it’s nice to meet you, too.” He has a slight Scottish brogue, that Ally knew Angie found hot in guys (the foreign accents, that was). Pared with his tall height (he was at least six feet four inches), his short strawberry blonde hair that was sticking up everywhere in a boyish way, and his leanly muscled body, Ally could see why Angie liked Aidan.

Ally tried to subtly wink at Angie in appreciation, but Angie was looking down in the general direction of her feet and her ears were a bright red that they only turned when she was extremely embarrassed, which she rarely ever got.

In an effort to make all of them more comfortable, Ally spoke first. “Uh... I was about to make... food. Would any of you like some?”

Angie shook her head fiercely, with her hair flying to cover her face, at the same time that Aidan said, “Sure.” That time, both Aidan and Angie’s face went red at the same moment.

“Well, I’ll go...” She paused and tilted her head. “Do you all want some coffee, too? I could drink some coffee right now.”

Aidan smiled, and Ally saw that he had a crooked front tooth that just added to his good looks, and white teeth. “I’m sure Angie could use some.” Then, he dragged into her bedroom, but left the door cracked.

Ally considered acting like an overprotective mother, and telling them to leave the door all the way open, but she shrugged it off, because she knew Angie was already going to get her.

Ally spent thirty minutes cooking some eggs, bacon and hashbrowns, and had set the coffee before she went and knocked on Angie’s bedroom door. She apprehensively widened the crack in the doorway. She saw Angie asleep, with Aidan spooning her.

She smiled as she closed the door back, then she frowned as a thought occurred to her. She didn’t really see Angie as she cuddly kind with guys. She was one of those girls who thrived on one night stands, so she encouraged the guys to skip out after the deed was done. The closest thing Ally had seen Angie cuddle was a hot cup of coffee after a killer hangover. Heck, even Ally, herself, was warmer than that with guys. Unless they were like Daniel, of course. It made Ally feel... wierd about how she was really only with Nathan because of his cousin.

It was even worse because before then because at the end of their date, Nathan had said that he “Really liked her” and was “glad that his cousin set them up”. Ally really hadn’t even thought of that until then and it made something in her swell then go still. He couldn’t already feel that way about her, could he? Wasn’t it impossible? Maybe he just had a small crush on her, because she knew she had one on—

“I guess the stuff is ready?” She heard Aidan’s deep voice from behind her, and she nearly jumped out of her skin.

She caught her breath before she said anything. “Yeah, it’s ready.” She pulled a plastic plate from the cabinet and look at him before doling out food. “I thought you were asleep. I mean, I knocked and glanced in, but Angie was asleep, so I assumed you were, too.” She’d also assumed that they’d had sex like bunnies and had fell asleep after. She wasn’t listening because she’d had her iPod on, and headphones snugly situated on her ears.

Aidan blushed, obviously thinking that she was thinking the same thing. “We were just... talking, then she fell asleep.”

Ally rolled her eyes. “Is that what you kids call it nowadays?”

He laughed and smiled at her again, before digging into the plate laden with food. Maybe Aidan would be a good thing for Angie. At least he had a sense of humour.


I hope you all like this chapter! I know it was short, but thinking of the awkwardness made me awkward in writing it, and I didn't want to prolong it just in case I ruied the whole chapter.

Well, anyways, remember to


(ONLY if you want to)

BTW, please comment if I made grammar/ mispelling or any other errors, and tell me what you truthfully think because it always helps me.


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