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Chapter Ten

The next morning found Ally at the college in one of her worse classes: chemistry. She'd hated it ever since high school with the school's most hated teacher, Mrs. Kolms. She had treated them like crap and screwed them over. One time, Mrs. Kolms had failed one of Ally’s test because she hadn’t worked out the problems like how Mrs. Kolms had taught them, and Ally had gotten most of the answers right.

She sighed as she took lecture notes. This was truly boring and she wouldn’t be sad when it was over. Really, the only reason why she was actually enrolled in college was to make up for the years in high school that she didn’t give a care about anything. But really, Ally couldn't wait until class was over, since she had a two hour long break in between classes.

As soon as the hour passed, Ally grabbed all of her things and her messenger bag and was out of there. But, as soon as she had made it out of the room, she saw Bethany coming from one of her classes. Ally groaned; she knew what was going to happen now. Bethany and all of her cronies would back Ally into a corner and make her dish out all of the 'details' from Ally and Nathan's various dates.

Ally was about to try to sneak around them, but she heard her name called.

“Oh, Ally! I didn’t see you there!”

Ally turned around with trepidation, wondering what Bethany was going to say next. She would probably try and ruin Ally’s reputation by saying that she was monogamous.

But Bethany slightly surprised Ally. “I’m having a... sleepover type thing at my house this... Well, tonight, actually. I was wondering if you'd like to come?"

Ally was confused. It sounded like Bethany was trying to be friends with her for some odd reason. The only things they actually even had in common was the college and Nathan. Ally wanted to ask 'why?', but she knew it would sound weird to the onlookers and Bethany's crowd of adoring fans. So, she just nodded her head, and Bethany smiled at her, before walking away.

Instead of spending her rest break on actually resting, Ally was over analyzing Bethany’s invitation. Maybe Nathan had made her do it? Or maybe she just wanted to brag about the ultimatum? Ally didn’t know.

After the break, Ally jogged over to the school campus to finish up the rest of her classes for the day. Before she could make it into the building, though, Ally saw a scene that stopped her in her tracks and made her jaw hang halfway open.

It was Angie, in an alcove type space with Aidan, and they were cuddling. If that wasn’t odd enough, then the look of total bliss on Angie’s face was out of the spectrum. Angie was never comfortable just cuddling with a guy, even after sex. In that one area, Angie was worse off than Ally.

Ally felt a random compulsion to go over there and pull Angie away, but she wasn’t a complete jerk, and besides, class was starting in a few minutes.

Ally glanced at her watch and cursed, because she saw how long she had left, and with a second glance, she raced to her math class.


After periods of math, English, and double physics, Ally went to a local college cafe and ordered a late lunch of Chicken salad sandwich and a side of barbeque chips. As she waited for her food, she set up her laptop and started to read an eBook of the book she had to read for English, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It was really, very interesting, knowing that she was reading a book that was first published almost two hundred years from now. She thought it was kind of cool to know what things people read back then, and what they found interesting, without having the internet or phones or iPods.

She got so into the book, that she didn’t notice when her food arrived, and she was startled when someone sat in the other chair at her table, beside her.

“What are you reading?” Nathan asked her as she looked up.

She smiled at him. “What are you doing here? And Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.”

He grinned back at her. “For the English course?” she nodded her head. “Is it good? Or rather, do you like it?”

She bit her lip and shrugged. “Well, I like it, but sometimes it’s confusing with all of the word usage differences, and then some of the words we don’t use at all, so that gets pretty confusing.”

She noticed her food on the table when Nathan picked a chip from it. She then immediately noticed the grumbling state of her stomach, and proceeded to pick up her sandwich to take a big bite from it. She almost swallowed it whole from the great taste, not to mention her hunger. She then picked up and ate a few chips, and decided that she didn’t want anymore, so she pushed the rest of the plate over to Nathan.

When she did so, she finally glanced fully at him. He was wearing a black t-shirt that fit his body (and great abs) perfectly, what looked like nice fitting jeans (and not the skinny jeans type), and red converse. His hair was sticking up in every which way, which seemed to be its natural state. Ally hoped he didn’t try to change his hair; she really liked the wild way of it.

“So, what brought you by?” She finally asked, as he polished off the last of the chips.

“I had an interview today... for TA in the Biology department.” He said, shrugging it off as if it were no big deal.

Ally’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wow. That’s just... Wow.” She hadn’t even known that he was majoring in biology until that moment. How was that for dating someone?

He slightly smiled at her, then glanced at his watch. “Crap. I’ve gotta go. I have to pick up my little sister from school.” He stood up, walked to Ally’s side of the table, then leaned down and gave her a kiss. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”

She couldn’t get out a response before he had left. She just sat there with her mouth wide open and a stunned expression in her face. Was this the first time that they had kissed? If so, why were they even holding back, if Nathan could kiss that good?

“Okay... see you.” She finally mumbled out, and few moments later.

She sat in her spot for a few more minutes, then paid for her check, gathered her laptop and bag, and left, thinking about their kiss and feeling apprehension for Bethany’s sleepover later that night.


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