17: Prank War

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Vic's P.O.V

-Two Weeks Later-

What should I get Blade for her birthday? Her and Stewart's birthday are in two weeks. Last week Blade got her drivers license. What should I get her? I know! I jumped up and hit my head on the bunk. "Shit!" I groaned.

After rubbing my head I looked out the window. It's 2:00 a.m. and we're driving to the next venue. After this venue which is in Arizona we spend the next week driving to the last venue; Effingham, Indiana.

(A/N- real city but I don't know if there's actually a stop there.)

We spend five days there so I can get that during the five days. Then I could have someone get it there? Or I could bye it when we get home and give it to her then? We're flying home after Indiana so that could work. Or I could pay on-line, and get someone to drive it to the band house -more like mansion. Yeah I'll do that!

I picked up the phone and dialed the number. "Hello, how may I help you?" the annoying high-pitched voice answered. "Um hi, I was wondering if I bought something, could I have someone pick it up for me?" I ask and she said 'yes'. "Great!" I said then told her what I wanted. I then called Storm. Yes, she caught the flu so went home, she said that she feels better now. She left last week.

"Hey babe!" she answered while yawning. "Hey! Sorry if I woke you!" I said. "No! You're fine!" she said and I nodded. After noticing she couldn't see me I spoke. "Could you do me a favor?" I asked and she said sure. I asked her to pick up the gift then said bye.

I hopped out of the bunk to see Tony mumbling to himself as he sat down on the couch. I sat down on the other couch. "What're ya getting Blade?" he finally asked so I told him what I was got her. "What're ya getting Stewart?" he shrugged. "Does he have a phone?" I ask and he perks up. "No." He answers. "Get'm one." I suggest and he nods. "About this party though.." I trail off. "Should we let them have alcohol? And if we do how much?" he asks basically asking my thoughts.

"They're teen, and almost a teen; of course they're gonna drink. Hell, we were drinking and smoking by then!" I say. "Let's just let them have some but tell them to be responsible?" he asks. "Yeah, but I'm not letting Mike or anyone else bring any weed or whatever ya wanna call it." I say and he nods in agreement.

Mike, and Jaime walk out. "You're actually gonna let them drink?" Jaime asks, obviously surprised. "Yeah, I mean it's obvious we're not gonna stop 'em so just tell 'em not a lot." I explain and they nod in understandment.

"So uh I'm guessing it's gonna be the last day of warped, then we're flying back home the day after, the day after the party so all the hungover people don't have to rush around?" Mike asks and we all nod. "Yeah two days after the party we're flying home." I say and everyone nods.

-In the morning Blade's mother fuckin P.O.V-

I woke up and looked out the window of my bunk. Still driving to wherever the hell we're driving. I walked out into the back lounge thingy to see Mike, Jaime, Tony, and Vic layer out on the couches. I laughed and went to Stewart's bunk. When Stewart and I are together you better watch your back. We the prank mastas! Haha okay, no ghetto voice but ya get the point, right?

Anyways, as I got to his bunk he stepped out with sharpies, whipped cream, air horns, and water buckets. "Ready?" I whisper/asked and he nodded. "Just waitin' on you sis." He said and I nodded as we went into the back. "I'll get Mike, and Vic, you get Tony, and Jaime." I say and he nods. I walk over to Vic and started drawing.


15 minutes later I have drawled on Vic, and Mike faces, dumped water on them -don't know how they haven't woken up yet- and put whipped cream all over them, Stewart has done the same to Jaime, and Tony.

"Ready?" He asks. "Wait." I say and run to the front. "Let's cover the place with merch, and pretend to be crazy fans!" I start putting ptv posters everywhere with Stewarts help.


30 minutes later we have the back lounge covered in ptv merch. I put on all my ptv merch which is a lot. We walk to the back after putting on wigs and blow the air horns in their faces.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!" Mike screams and that catches everyone else's attention. "Lacy!" Stewart makes a high pitched voice. "Lydia!" I say. "We are huge fans!" I squeal. "Can you marry us?!" 'Lacy' squeals. They look at eachother and notice their faces, whipped cream, and all the water.

Me and Stewart burst out laughing and take off the wigs. "What the fuck guys? Didn't know you guys could make that high pitched noises!" I laugh as I say that and Stewart joins in laughing while the guys glare.

"Awwwww! Don't worry! You may be giant like humungous not even big enough words-" Jaime cuts me off so Stewart finishes. "-For how big babies you are but we still love you!" He says for me and we start laughing again.

"Fuck you!" Mike says. "Excuse me! I'd rather not be fucked!" I say. "Oh we all know you wouldn't mind if Andy did it." Jaime laughs. I start blushing a little but flip them off. "Assholes." I mutter and walk to the f

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I scream when I see a smirking Andy on the couch. "How the hell did you get on here?!" Vic asks as he walks in; still not noticing the stuff on his face. "Dude what's on your face?" Andy asks while laughing. Vic scrunches his eyebrows in confusion and walked to the mirror.

He let out a girly shriek that was shortly followed by more girly shrieks and Stewart, Andy, and I laughing.

***A couple hours later***

"WE'RE HERE!!" I scream, while running away from Andy, who's trying to tickle me, so I run outside with him following, he runs the way he thinks I ran, while I run into someone; Oli. "Hey Oli, whatchya doing?" I ask one I see who I run into. "Running from Lee, let me hide on your bus?" before I can answer he runs on the bus. I sigh and walk on while closing the door.

(A/N)- hey so I guess this is kinda a filler chapter but I have some ideas for the next couple of chapters that I'll start writing those tomorrow. I wanted to thank all of you for the reads, votes, comments, and follows! So thanks! Oh and I have a personal goal for 20 follows so yea..

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Listenin to I'll Take You There~ Sleeping With Sirens (ft. Shayley Bourget) well technically now I'm listenin to JOHN DEUX TROIS~ Of Mice & Men :D

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