24: School Shopping

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Blade's P.O.V

-One week later-

12 words.

School shopping with Pierce The Veil, Black Veil Brides, and Ben Bruce.

Anyone ever tried it? No? Well, lemme make this clear before I explain what's going on. From bvb, only Andy and CC are here. CC cheered up over the last week. Now he's back to his normal self.

Okay, we're on our way to Walmart in the creeper van. I call it the creeper van, 'cause it's one of those blacked out vans, blacked out windows and everything. And also, Jaime put the the license plate as FreeCandy. But, luckily it fits ten people in it. Yes, ten. Vic, Jaime, Tony, Mike, Storm, Ben, Andy, CC, Stewart, and I.

This is the seating arrangements, Vic is driving, Jaime is sitting passenger, and there's two benches in the back. Usually, it would fit four on each. But no, how these idiots sit it's three on each. On the left side, Ben is sitting closest to the front, then Stewart, then on the end is CC. On the right side is Storm closest to the passenger seat, Mike on the end, and Tony in the middle. Where does that leave Andy and I? We're laying across the floor of the van.

When we finally get to Walmart, everyone but Andy and I try to get out at the same time. He just turned around, and cuddled into my side.

In the last week Andy and I have gotten more affectionate. No, we haven't done anything sexual. Just more cuddling, holding hands, kissing, and hugging. We haven't done anything except that, I'm glad for that, for one, it's illegal since he's 18 and I'm just 17, and two, I'm not ready for that stuff yet.

Once everyone is out, I try to stand up. Key word; try. Andy won't let me up. "Andy, c'mon." I try to untangle myself from his arms. This time, he groans and gets up.

We both get out of the car, and walk inside where it's easy to find everyone. Ben and CC; bras and thongs. Mike and Jaime; candy. Tony and Stewart; backpacks. Vic and Storm; sword fight.

Andy and I get a cart, and go to the school supplies. Aye, might as well get this shit done with!

I look at the high school lists to see what ima need for hell. Freedom High School. (FHS) I grab that one and go to the bottom of the list where it says Seniors. I look at the huge list, and leave it. I'll get whatever I get.

Luckily, Vic already got notebooks, binders, and folders. Meaning, I just have to get the other shit. I sighed, and walked over to the backpacks where Andy was.

I grab a random backpack, thanking The Lord of death metal that it's black. I throw it in the cart, and walk off with Andy to get the other stuff. "So how's this gonna work?" I finally ask. This question had been bothering me. I know that since I'm 17, when it's school year the guys'll leave Stewart with me for tour. But, I also know how long it takes to record a new album. I've been told that they usually just take their girlfriends in with them. That won't work.

I look up at him and he looks confused. "How's what gonna work?" he asks. "When you have to record. When you guys have to go on tour? I mean, I trust you that you wouldn't cheat on me, but I know that it can take up to a year for recording then another year for tours." I explain. "Baby, I already recorded my parts for the next record. We always to voice, then drums, guitar, rhythm, then bass." He explains. "And, for the next tour we agreed that we could bring our girlfriends. But since we can't do that, we can skype, and every three months we take a two week break on big tours." He finishes. I nod, feeling a bit better.

"What about you?" he asks. I look at him confused. "C'mon, you're gorgeous, and you have a great personality. Every guy in that school is gonna try to get you." He says. "Pshh, even if that were true -which it's not, I only have my eyes on one guy." I smirk. "Oh really? What's he like? He must be fantastic." He says cockily. "Eh, big ego, ugly personality I don't know what I see in him." I joke. He makes a mock hurt face. "But seriously, there's this really great guy, he's pretty hot, great hair, awesome eyes, really tall, deep voice, good taste in music, awesome personality. Exactly my type." I say. "You might've heard of him. His name is Andy Biersack, in that band Black Veil Brides. I really love him." He laughs as we get to the pens.

After we were finally done at Walmart we went to the mall. We went to the Hot Topic first. It wasn't the biggest store in the mall, but better then no Hot Topic at all!


After a while, I ended up getting some new skinny jeans, combat boots, belts (of course the made me get a bvb belt and a ptv belt), 'muscle shirts', tank tops, tee shirts, a couple bracelets, and pins.

From Zumiez, I got a pair of vans, and Osiris's. Oh and a new skate board.

From Journeys I got a pair of converse, DCs, a pair of batman converse, and a shirt that says Tattooed And Employed.

All the shoes, were Andy and Vic's ideas. Anywhore, right now we're in the tattoo parlor. I convinced Vic to let me get snake bites (the holes closed over the summer), and a nose piercing. He also said that I could get a tattoo. For the tattoo ima get an infinity sign, that says Stay Strong, with stars coming up my arm. It's going to be the start of a sleeve for me, and it has meaning.

"You're the legal guardian of Alison Fuentes correct?" the lady behind the counter asked Vic. I glare at her when she said Alison. I hate that name. It's Blade. BLADE. B-L-A-D-E. Not Alison, not Brittany. Blade. Not Blade Emerson. Not Blade Bruce. Blade Fuentes. I was not grown up as a Bruce, but I do want to meet my parents. I mean, put yourself in my position. Wouldn't you want to?

"My name is Blade. Blade Bruce Fuentes. Not Alison, not Brittany. Blade." I growl at her. "But yes, he's my father." Ben flinches. Vic notices and says; "Adoptive father." He says and I nod. "This idiot is my blood brother." I point to Ben acting sad.

"Okay, well come back here-" Ben cuts her off by laughing. In three seconds everyone is laughing, except the lady. She looks confused.

"Follow me back here, and the person doing your piercing should be back soon." She says.

I follow her back and sit in the chair. Someone walks into the back room and puts on gloves. "Is this the first time you're getting piercings?" she asks. "Nope. I had snake bites but the holes closed." I answered. She nodded as she got the piercing gun ready. "Go ahead and pick which ones you want." She points to a little area with lip rings and studs. I get two silver rings and hand them to her.

When she's finally ready she disinfects my lip. She then brings it to my lip, and I feel the little pinch. She leaves the needle in until she put in the lip ring. Then she repeats the process with the other side of my lip.

"For the nose, left or right side?" she asks. "Right." I say and pick up a silver nose ring and hand it to her. She does the same to my nose, then gives me instructions on how to clean them for the next week.

We walk out, and she sits me down where she'll do my tattoo. I tell her what I want, and start taking off my bracelets, revealing each scar up and down my left arm. "I suggest not doing the stars, if you're going to start a sleeve." She says not looking away from the drawing. "Okay, then just the other thing." I say. She nods and finishes.

She places the drawing on my wrist, careful to avoid cuts that'll hurt to get tattooed over the most.


30 minutes later she's done. I look at it, and automatically love it. "Thank you, I love it!" I say. She nods and puts the cover on it. I then walk back out where the waiting area is. When I got out there, I showed them the tattoo, and Vic payed.

We left to pick hair dye up so I can dye my hair tonight.


At Sally's Hair Store I got purple hair dye, and bleach. I also got stuff to cut it.

We drive back home, and by the timer we're there it's 10:00 so everyone decides to go to sleep except me.

(A/N)- so I wrote this and begged my mom to turn on the wifi which she did! After five hours of begging! Haha anyways, the next chapter'll be the last and ima try to make it long! Hope ya liked this! Btw your comments and votes make me all warm and fuzzy inside and make me want to update!

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Listenin to Besitos~ Pierce The Veil

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