Chapter 3
*2 weeks later*
Keke's POV
???: "Shit, shit, shit!!!! What am I gonna do?"
Keke: "Kelly, you gotta tell him baby. Y'all didn't wear a condom? You gotta put a condom on it ma." I can't believe she didn't put a condom on. PJ is about to be 20 in a few more weeks. He doesn't know what a fuckin' condom is? I bet he didn't even tell Kelly what happened at the club the other night. I don't know what it is, but I can tell that it's gonna be some shit.
Kelly: "He never wears a condom, I always take my birth control...Fuck! I was supposed to go to the clinic and get more but I was so pissed that I didn't even worry about it. I didn't think we were gonna have sex Keke." Her voice started to get shaky, then she started to cry. "Oh God, what am I gonna do?"
*Kd walks in*
Kd: "Oh shit, is she on her period?" I laughed but I heard Kelly say 'I wish,' very low under her breath. I nudged her and gave her the eye. Kd is my bae and all, but he talks a lot and the guys can pull anything out of him if they pressured him enough. I don't need him knowing that Kelly is pregnant before she tells PJ.
Kelly: "I gotta go get ready for work, I'll see y'all later. Bye Keke." I kissed her on the cheek as she made her way out of my room.
Kd: "Wait, you still work at Footlocker right?" She nodded her head. "Oh, put me a couple Jay's in the back aight?" She just nodded her head again. After we heard the front door close, he gave me this look like I've been up to no good. "Keke, you ain't tell her what happened the other night at the club did ya?" The hell this nigga checkin' me for? Does it matter if I tell her not?
Keke: "No, but I should have. Besides, you don't be checkin' me nigga." He looked at me with this look like he was ready to put something down on me. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me. "Come show me what you 'bout Mister," I said whispering in his ear.
Kelly's POV
I'm sitting at this red light and my phone started to vibrate so I picked it up and it was PJ calling me. I ignored the call cause I really didn't feel like hearing his voice right now. When I look back up, I see PJ in the car with Mike and three other bitches. I started to call his ass back but this car honked at me to go. I waited till she got next to my car and flipped that bitch off. When I make it to work I see my friends Selby and Monica playing around. I guess they didn't notice I was there cause they started feeling each other.
Kelly: "Can y'all stop bein' gay for like one day, damn. Hahaha." They both look at me in shock and then start laughing. "So what's been up lately?"
Selby: "Nothin' much ya know. Same ol' same ol'. But Monica and I are having a get together tomorrow, you should come."
Monica: "Yeah, and bring PJ. I still gotta beat that nigga at 2K. He been talkin' mad shit." Selby looked at Monica. Monica stay on that damn video game and it irritates the shit outta Selby. If Monica ain't lookin' at Selby's ass, she's playing that damn game.
Selby: "No, you are not about to play that damn game the whole time we got company over." Monica looked at Selby like she was speaking french. "Stop looking at me like I have a fuckin' duck on my forehead, Monica, I'm not playin' with you." Monica licked her lips and it pissed Selby off. "I'm about to pun--"
Kelly: "We have customers!! Selby go take care of them. Monica take yo crazy ass back there and stock them damn shoes." When they go their seperate ways, I make my way over to the register and start ringin' people up. Selby came to join me and helped. I get a tap on my shoulder and it was Selby pointin' at PJ and Mike with those three hood rats.One of them started rubbin' on PJ's stomach. He just laughed and started playing with her.

Kelly (Urban)
Teen FictionAll Rights Reserved A young girl (Kelly) has a non-ending roller coaster ride of a lifetime. Between her lover, her friends, enemies, and family. (Read it)