Kabe - Don(ed)

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Thank you animerose1413 for requesting!


Kuroko Tetsuya

Hibiki was walking at the hallway. Students are crowding around his class. Hibiki doesn't know what's going on.

"Excuse me." Hibiki said, and of course, no one respond.

Hibiki tried again and again and again, until he was tired talking to them. Hibiki slipped in among the crowds.

"Huh? I think someone bumped into me." A student said.

"Must be your imagination." Another student smacked his back a little to hard, making the other student stumbled forward.

The student stopped himself from bumping head first into the wall by putting his hands on the wall. Unknown to him, poor Hibiki was trapped between his arms at that moment.

"Damn! What was that for?!" He yelled at his friend.

"Yeah, What was that for..." Hibiki mumbled.

"His face was too close I almost fainted." Hibiki face palmed.

Kise Ryota

"Do you know what's popular among the girls now?" Rika asked.

"No. What is it?" Akihiko asked back.

Both of them were walking toward the cafeteria. The hallway was crowded by their fans.

"There's this thing called 'Kabe-Don'. Shoujo manga always have that kind of scene." Rika said.

"What's that?"

"It's when someone literally pinned you to a wall, trapping the other person on his or her arms." Rika explained.

"You mean, like this?"

Akihiko put both of his hands beside Rika's head. Rika's back touching the wall. Rika stared at his eyes.

"Good move, bro." She said.



Akashi Seijuro

Akihiko packed his things and put them inside his bag. He grabbed his bag and walked away from the classroom.

"Hey, Akihiko! I don't know you were such a bold guy!"

"Long last with Rika!"

Akihiko literally ignored everyone who's talking about him. To the point he cannot take it anymore.

"I don't have that kind of relationship with her. What's wrong with doing that kind of thing anyway?" Akihiko scratched his head.

Proving himself, He literally pushed the girl beside him to the wall, and puts his hands beside her head.

At the moment he recognized the girl, He know he screwed up.

"Wow, two girls on one day. Great job, Akihiko. Your father must be very proud of you." Hiiragi smirked.

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