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The sound of metal scraping ice echoed across the rink. Light piano music flows from the low quality speaker placed outside the foggy glass walls of the ice rink. My breath filled the empty space the music didn't. The big light bulbs on the ceiling poured light onto the scratched ice.

Ending with my left hand to my chest and my right hand outstretched, the music slowed to it's end. Did I finally do it right?  I thought to myself. Victor was very particular on how he wanted me to land my jumps.




I held that pose and waited for Victor to scold me for something. My muscles started to ache as I held that same pose. A small droplet of sweat cascaded down my face, dripping off my chin and onto the cold ice. Two loud claps qued my statue pose to break. I looked at Victor as he skated effortlessly across the ice, making his way to me.

"Yuri, do the ending pose again." He ordered

I quickly returned to that position. He skated around me, scanning my body. He looked at my arm, he studied it closely. He gently placed his hand on the underside of my arm. His cold fingers caused goosebumps to spread across my forearm. He pushed my arm up slightly.

"Perfect" he mumbled under his breath.

I saw his eyes scan over my goosebump covered arm. His lips carefully touched my skin. Warmth spread through my arm, reaching every spot I needed it to. His lips danced along my arm, finding it's way up my arm. I held my pose strong, not letting his touch affect me. I let him kiss up my arm and onto my neck. Before he could test my strength and find my sweet spot, I swiftly turned and grabbed his forearms. I skated him back to the edge of the rink. I pinned him against the glass.

His tall figure looked small. He looked completely helpless. A light blush dusted his cheeks. I could feel him getting needy. He wanted me and I knew it.

Victor let his head turn to the side, his hair covering his eyes.

"Yuri~"  Victor whimpered lightly.

I never knew he could be this helpless and submissive.

I heard the doors open to the rink.


Victuri SmutWhere stories live. Discover now