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So how are things

This is a one way conversation I'll just stop
Sory for the short chapters. I'm just super fucking lazy.
I just want ice cream
Only 574 words

(Yuri's pov)

I slid my arms into my coat and grabbed my wallet.

"Victor! Come on we're going out with Pitchit!" I yelled

I heard his footsteps padding down the stairs. He grabbed his coat and slipped it on. He smiled big and said
"Let's go!"

I intertwined our fingers aswe walked down the sidewalk to Pitchit's place. The cold air brushed past us and snow melted on my shoes. I looked over at Victor and saw him trying to catch a snowflake in his mouth. I smiled at him and shook my head. His head followed the small flake and it landed on his fairly like nose. The tip of his nose turned pink as it melted there. The water dripped of his nose and onto the cold ground. I looked at how he ws walking and noticed he was walking kinda funny.

"Is it too uncomfortable to walk Victor?" I asked in concern, I tipped my head to be level with his. He looked at me and smiled.

"It only hurts a little, Yuri. Don't worry about it!" He exclaimed and poked my nose with his cold finger. His eyes wondered around the cherry blossom tree that wasn't pink, it was covered in pure white snow. I got lost in Victor's eyes...

"OH SHIT" I yelled as I slipped on a patch if ice and fell backwards. My back slammed against the ground. During the process of me falling, I pulled Victor down with me because oue hands were locked tight together. Victor landed with yelp.

I wheezed

"Oh my god, Victor are you alright?!" I asked  as I realized he landed on his ass. He just laughed.

"Well now we can have an actually reason why I am walking funny." He joked.

A small breathy laughed fell from my lips and created a light cloud of air to erupt from my mouth.

(Skipping to Pithit's house cuz im lazy af)

"Hey guys!" Pithit exclaimed as we walked through the door.

Victor waddled after me and just winced at his sore and bruised ass. Pitchit noticed how strangely Victor was walking and smirked.

"So, how was last night, Yuri? Did you have fun? Seems as though you have damaged Vic's walking though" He asked. My face turned bright red and I facepalmed. Can he ever just not ask me about Victor and I having sex? I sighed. Victor just laughed.

"I sure had a lot of fun" Victor told him.

"VITYA! I cannot believe you just- we are in front of a human being that isn't Chris. Could you just behave?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Or what? You'll punish me? I mean...uhh..." Victor asked. His ears turned red. Pitchit just laughed and laughed.
"You two might as well have just came in here and fucked against the wall. It would honestly make me just as uncomfortable- haha- and sexual. Hahah!! You two are strange. But I love you. So I'll just deal with it." Pitchit forced out while laughing.

I walkes over ti the wall and banged my head on it.

"no, don't bang your head against the wall! I said Victor not your head, silly" Pitchit giggled.

Why am I friends with him
Dear god.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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