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1485 words
Also I'm quite lazy so if there are typos I'M SORRY
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"I'll behave...Daddy~"

Well that's new

(Yuri's pov)

I let go of Victor's red face. "Better get runnin' now, love." I claimed as I slapped Victor's ass lightly. Victor looked up wih wide eyes.

Before he bolted down the sidewalk like a mad man, I caught a glimpse of his eyes. The same eyes from earlier at the rink. Sparkling with lust, but filled with helplessness. I had him in the palm of my hand. He'd do anything if it'll end in me fucking him into the mattress. I decided to make it painfully slow. I walked slowly all the way home. He'll be dying to get it then.

(Victor's pov) (im getting really sleepy ugh)

I basically ran into the door to the house. I jammed the key into the knob and twisted it. My shakey hands could barely function. My heart was beating faster than my feet were racing down the sidewalk. I slammed the door closed, throwing off my coat and gloves. I decided to keep my scarf on though...

I got undressed and laid in the bed with only the scarf and my underwear on. Surely he'll get here soon.

(20 minutes later)

Holy fuck I swear if he doesn't get here soon, I'll- SLAM

The door
He's here

"Sweetheart, are you in the bedroom?" I heard Yuri call from downstairs.

"Yes, Daddy~" I replied desperately. I needed him so badly. His light footsteps echoed through the hallway. The door slowly opened revealing my body to Yuri, not that he hasn't already seen me naked.

He walked around to the other side of he bed, studying my body. He looked pleased.

"Look at my pretty little Victor..." I heard him whisper. Warmth flooded my cheeks and neck.

"Yuri~" I moaned 
"Yes, baby boy?" Yuri replied as he straddled my waist.
"Touch me" I whined.

Yuri smirked above me. A small chuckle fell from his pretty lips. With his hands pinning me to the mattress, he kissed me. His kiss wasn't rough, but light and passionate. Come on, Yuri. Where the hell is your eros?

"I'll touch you when I please." Yuri whispered onto my lips. His warm breath made me want more. That one sentence just made me harder, if possible at this point.

"Please, Yuri~" I begged. He ignored my request and put a long finger to my lips.
"I'm glad you're begging for more. But, sweetheart, if you tell me to touch you again, you're not coming tonight. I'll leave you here on this bed and sleep on the couch. Got it?" He growled. I nodded quickly to avoid the punishment.

"I said, got it?"  He said firmly.

"Yes, Daddy~" I replied, a blush brightening on my cheeks.

Yuri kissed me again, but this time the kiss was filled with lust and force. Our lips danced together. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He bit my bottom lip gently. His lips traveled down my jaw and onto my neck. He sucked hard enough to create big purple marks.

"I want to be hated as the man who stole Victor from the world."

No one will even come near me with these giant hickeys all over my neck. Not while he is by my side.

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