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I heard the door to then rink open.


The sound of a phone camera echoed into my ears.

"Hey guys~"  Pitchit exclaimed.

Heat flowed up my neck and into my cheeks.

"Pitchit, you better not post that..." I mumbled.

Pitchit looked up from his phone.

"What? Don't be silly. I already did." He claimed.

I pulled my hands away from Victor, and skated off as fast as I could. I made my way to exit the rink to get my phone.

I pulled open the doors and walked as fast as I could to my phone.  I grabbed it and clicked on Instagram. There it was. At the top of my feed. A picture of me pinning Victor to the barrier of the rink. I am not going to lie. Victor looked hot. From the angle it was taken, you can see Victor's eyes. They looked defenseless. More heat flowed into my face as I studied his form. His fists were gently clenched, his hips pushed out towards mine just a bit, and his head turned away from me to hide his flushed cheeks.

"Yuri~" I heard Victor say from behind me.

"Why'd you stop?" He whined quietly. I turned and looked into his eyes. His eyes sparkled with lust, they still looked the same from earlier. Their light blue color I usually thought of as sharp and intimidating, now seemed soft. How come his eyes look so different under this pressure, or under me? This got my mind working. 

He would look so perfect. Just lying under my body, silently whining as I teased him. I could run my fingers down his body, my lips just barely ahead of my hands, so they kiss his-

"Yuurii~" Victor moaned slightly.

His voice snapped my thoughts. I kept my eyes on his face and I didn't know why he was moaning. I slowly looked down and saw he was palming himslef through his pants. Another small moan fell from his lips.

I grabbed his wrist and yanked it away from himself.

"did I say you could touch yourself?" I scolded.

He shook his head lightly, looking down towards his feet. I felr like I was being too rough on him. Let go of his wrist and gently lifted his face to mine, even though I'm shorter than him. I can't be too light on him now. I have to intimidate him. His eyes connected with mine. I leaned down to his ear.

"Hey, I don't want to punish you, love. But that means you have to behave or else I'll have to. Okay, Vitya?" I whispered into his ear. I nibbled on his earlobe, earning a soft moan.

"It's seven, Vitya. Time to go home. Now let's hope Pitchit got none of that on camera." I mumbled.

(Victor's pov :)) ) *smut ahead, Bear. Just sayin*

The cold air nipped at my nose as I walked along the snowy sidewalk. I still had an erection bulging in my, what seems as, tight pants. Yuri held my hand lightly and walked alongside of me. He was acting as though he didn't just pin me to a wall and threaten to punish me. His hair wasnt pushed back anymore. His small fringe laid under his glasses slightly, just barely grazingthe tips of his eyelashes. He looked straight ahead, not really paying attention to me. I really wanted him to touch me. I walked with my legs pressed, mostly, together. It was all the friction I could get while walking. I moved my hips and got more fricrion than before. I can definitely wiggle my hips while walking.

I continued to walk in his funny way, and but my lip to try not to moan. I felt so much better than when I barely had anything. I got lost in this slight feeling of pleasure. I swayed my hips a little more. A small moan slipped off my lips. Yuri stopped walking.

I'm really gonna get it now.

"Victor. Look at me." Yuri demanded.
I slowly looked over at him. I'm not sure whether his glare was turning me on, or intimidating me. Both. I felt my crotch ache as I stared at his sexy face. I felt a strong urge to leap forwards and grind on him. He would not be happy with that behavior.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. My hips met his, makimg him earn another moan. I saw his eyebrows raise, and a smirk appear on his lips. I am not sure what he is going to do next. My brain only thought of what I kmew I wanted.

What if he pushes me down and fucks me right her in the middle of the sidewalk?

He wouldn't give me it so soon.
I felt his hips roll on mine. My head fell to the side, my silver hair covering my closed eyes and flushed face. His long fingers grabbed my face and turned it towards him. He pulled me close, our lips barely touching. His hands were on either side of my face.

"Either you listen to me, and I'll let you run back to the house and when I get there I'll fuck you senseless, or you can disobey me, and I'll put you in handcuffs and not let you come tonight. Which will it be, sweetheart?" Yuri whispered onto my lips.

"I'm talking to you, Vitya~ I gave you a choice. Which will in be?"  He softly said.

"I-I'll behave...Daddy"

Well that's new


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