"you kinky lil shit"

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Sorry I haven't updated in a bit
Im just lazy I have no excuse.
This is a cute, short, addition to the last chapter
(Yuri's pov)

I felt light hit my face, making my eyes flutter open. I saw Victor standing next to the bed. His hair was messy and in his face, his eyes still sleepy. I pulled the blanket over my head and groaned.

"Yuri, wake up" I heard Victor whisper.

I pulled down the covers and looked at him. First of all, he was wearing my sweater. Second of all, he was leaning on the side table for what seemed like support for his shaking knees. I sat up more and carefully touched his leg.

"Victor, you're shaking. Are you alright?" I asked, more concerned than curious.

"I am...I'm just a little sore from last night." Victor mumbled.

I gasped slightly and hugged him tight.

"Can you walk okay?" I asked him as I hugged him tightly. He lifted up the hand he was using to lean on and huggef back.

"I limp a little, but it's not too obv-" his sentence was interrupted by his legs giving out on him. He gripped onto my shoulders and laughed a little. I pulled him up and sat him on the bed.

"You sit here, and I'll go and make breakfast. Okay?" I told him.

He nodded lightly and smiled. I gave him a quick kiss and left for the kithen.

Victuri SmutWhere stories live. Discover now