Over Park, Over Pale

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Betty couldn't believe that Kevin had managed to convince her to come out to this stupid traditional get together they always held prior to the start of rehearsals. The last people she wanted to see were the other members of the acting troupe, not after the humiliation of her audition the day before.

Following Kevin's cast email, she had received a text from Moose, who had landed the role of Demetrius, congratulating her on her casting and letting her know how much he was looking forward to working with her again this year. He was sweet really, when he dropped the macho attitude. She could see what Kevin had seen in him and had truly been upset for her friend when they hadn't worked out. They had so much in common, Moose liked football and Kevin liked men who played football.

Hollering at her to hurry up from outside the bathroom door, she couldn't help from rolling her eyes at Kevin. He regularly took longer than she did to get ready. Betty huffed at her reflection in the mirror, she looked like a mess, she would much rather stay at home gorging herself on ice-cream and coming up with the next phase of her Archie Andrews scheme, but Kevin had other ideas.

"You better be beautifying in there, Princess," he shouted, knocking on the door dramatically for emphasis.

"I don't want to go Kevin," she whined back through the door.

"Look, I understand you didn't get what you wanted - but Helena is a strong part. And as per usual you will be fantastic at it." She opened the door a crack looking at him through it, her eyes surveying her friend's face.

"How can you say that, Kev? I made a fool of myself up there yesterday. Forgetting lines, running off, I haven't done that since elementary school." She felt the anxiety rising up in her again even as she remembered what had happened. The complete and utter loss of control. She strived so hard to keep it all together, to keep everything, just right. The whole company had seen that veneer slip at the auditions and she couldn't bear to face their sympathetic smiles and underlying judgement."Everyone is probably wondering how I managed to even get a role after that performance let alone one of the leads. They'll know it's because I'm friends with you."

"Nonsense." Kevin pushed the door open gently, entering the small bathroom and taking both of her hands in his own. "You are a performer, Betty. A natural talent and everyone knows that. You had a small dose of stage fright. You were off your game. It was one time. That's all."

"But..." she tried to argue with him but he cut her off.

"But nothing. You know me, Betty. This play means everything to me and I am nothing if not a perfectionist. I would not cast you if I didn't think you deserved it. Friend or not. Artistic integrity is important to me and so are you." The sincerity of his words was clear in his voice and Betty relaxed her body in surrender.

"Kevin, what did I do to deserve you?" Her friend always knew what to say to bring her back out of herself.

"Well, you're not so bad yourself, Betty." Letting go of her hands and taking on a more authoritative stance, he moved his hands to his hips. "Now brush your hair, wipe off that ghastly mascara that's making you look like a sad panda, put on some lipstick, and let's go."

Betty gave him a mock salute in response, and reached for a tissue to remove the remains of her smudged make up. She could do this.


Betty was holding onto Kevin's arm as they entered the Whyte Wyrm, the only bar in Riverdale that was even worth going to. When Betty had been in high school it had been a hangout for the notorious bike gang the 'Southside Serpents'. But when she had returned to Riverdale after her year in New York, it had been made over and had remodelled into a local bar that attracted many of the younger citizens of town. It was also where the company spent their down-time through the production season. Of course, it was mainly the actors who would attend. Betty was not exactly sure where the techies hung out, or even if they did hang out when not at the theatre. Unless it was the opening night or final cast party after the last show, they kept to their own little group. She couldn't blame them. The acting troupe, herself included as much as she hated to admit it, did not always treat them very well. Cheryl for example, would bark orders at them as if they were her own personal slaves only there to do her bidding.

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