Adieu, Adieu, Adieu

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Betty looked around the empty space which had once been her home. All that remained now were a few pieces of furniture and some boxes to be packed into the moving truck. She had thought about selling, letting this piece of her go, but in the end, she couldn’t part with the place which had been her safe haven for so long.

Her tenants were due to move in the following week, bringing their own belongings to fill the empty shelves where her own had once been.

“You got many more?” Kevin’s voice shouted down from the front door and Betty turned to see his red face poking around the edge of the door frame.

Betty tapped the box next to her with her foot, “Just this one.”

Kevin’s eyes looked at the box sitting under the breakfast bar, before looking back to Betty. “That looks heavy, I’ll let Adonis handle it.” Kevin entered the apartment and Betty handed him a water bottle. Ever the conscientious host, even as she was moving.

“Where is he anyway?” Betty asked as Kevin took large gulps of water. He wiped his brow with the sleeve of his shirt.

Kevin moved over to her window and looked out at the sidewalk beneath them. “Pretty sure he and Veronica were making out against the moving truck, at least they were the last time I checked.” He took a sip as his eyes scan the outside. “Yep, there they are.” He leaned further out the window and shouted down to them, making Betty flinch at the volume of his voice. “Do I need to get a hose, you two?”

Betty stifled a giggle with her hand, imagining Veronica and her beau jumping apart from one another in surprise. She was happy for her new friend.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Betty said as the emptiness of her apartment began to overwhelm her. Riverdale had been home for so long, it was comfortable and familiar. Here she had Kevin, her school, that cafe near the theatre with the barista who always made her coffee sweet enough. She took a deep sigh and braced herself against the counter, as she wondered if she was making a mistake, her head bowed, she lifted it when she felt Kevin’s hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at him as he smiled down at her. “I know you can do this, Betty.” Kevin pulled her in for a tight hug. “Besides, I expect regular updates on how things are, and I am coming up to visit so we can go to Broadway plays and just geek out together.”

“As long as you don’t try to rope Jughead and me into one of your Dungeon and Dragons play-throughs.” Betty had played once, along with a reluctant Moose as Kevin had excitedly taken them on an adventure through the Kingdoms of Kalamar.

“Hey!” Kevin said in mock offense. “I think Jughead may just enjoy that.” Betty chuckled at the thought of them sitting around the New York apartment, playing and felt a little relieved at how content and excited it made her feel. That it could be a new start, a better one. And if she didn’t take this leap, this chance how would she ever know?

“Alright, where’s the last one?” Reggie’s voice called from the doorway, as Veronica clung to his side.

Betty pointed to the last box near her feet, “Here.”

Reggie picked up the box with ease and sent a wink to Veronica at his display of strength who responded by rolling her eyes before her eyes drifted to admire the view.

Veronica and Reggie had been an unexpected hook up at the closing night party held at the Whyte Wyrm. Archie had continued his pursuit of Veronica, however, after a slightly lengthy conversation, Veronica had given him the cold shoulder the rest of the night. Betty was pretty sure it would have been the first closing night since he had joined the company that he hadn’t gone home with someone.

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