chapter 9

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Missery. Pain. Suffering.

It hurts. Damn I wish they would kill me already. I don't know how much longer I can hold up. "Rodger man, What the hell are you doing, put that away!" "Get back you bastard, I caught her so I will do with her as I please." "Man just put the gun away, Your going to far." "Shut the hell up. You don't like it then leave." All I could think was have mercy. Dante, please. Help. BAMM! That let out a howl and some growls. BAMM. Another usless howl for help. By this time, everythhing started to feel cold and I didn't know why. Until I caught sight of the gun that was being shot into me. How many was it now. 5, 6, maybe more. Blood was every where. And then i couldn't move any more. I couldn't make a noise.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2012 ⏰

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