chapter 6

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Thanx again for reading and the next few chapters im not going to say any thing at the top so just enjoy and comment.


So a few days had passed and every time that boy tried to talk to me i just looked away and ignored him. He would cuss and get mad but I didn't care. I wanted to leave. Thank goodness my wound was almost completely healed. I looked in the mirror yesterday and seen a scratch going down my eye across my face. I was angry but oh well. War wounds were hot. Or so i like to think. I was thinking tomorrow would be good to make a run for it. I was so ready to get out of this house. I heard a knock at the door and i sat up. The Alpha walked in. He sat down and looked at me. He said " So I think we got off to a bad start. How about we just start fresh. My name is Dante." Finally. A name. A hot name. No no, I can't think like that. I'm leaving tomorrow and I can't have any interruptions. so I just played nice. "Well I'm Elena." "Ah, yes Elena the run away daughter of the Northern Oaks pack. The white wolf." He grinned so big. What a dork. "Yea so you still don't know me. Every one knows those things." I looked at him. Damn why did he have to be so cute. Things just had to keep getting harder didn't they. "Well I'm just glad you ran into my pack and not into some one else's. I couldn't imagine some one hurting you." As he let out a little growl. Yea deffinatly a dork. "Well i don't know what else you want to know about me. My name is all I have for you." he looked at me again and serious. " Well how about we get to know each other better. Maybe you would wana go on a run tonight with me or some thing." No I didn't. "Well my leg is still hurting bad so Maybe in like 2 days." Perfect. I would be out and gone by then. No worries. "Alright sounds good." He got up and left. The day passed and finally it was time for me to go. I listened carefully and heard no noise but only snores. I creaked open the window. Sat on the ledge of the 2 stories. Then heard my door bust open and turned to see Dante looking at me pissed. I jumped and as soon as my feet hit the ground i was off once again into the night.

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