Reception and Wedding Night

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Please read last chapter before reading this one.

Alexandra's wedding ring:

Draco's wedding ring (I know it's a little girly, but I wanted their rings to match):

Alexandra's POV

"I can't believe I'm Mrs Draco Malfoy" I say as I look around the reception hall.

"Believe it my darling wife, we'll be together forever" Draco smirks pecking my lips. Our mums, Blaise and Crystal gave their speeches wishing us a long happy life. Sharing some embarrassing stories. Then Draco took me around the room introducing me to everyone. The golden trio, the Weasleys, he's aunt Andromeda, Teddy Lupin, Hogwarts staff and some of his old school friends. I then introduced him to my family, friends and former work colleagues.

"Sorry to interrupt everyone, but it is time for the bride and grooms first dance" Blaise announces.

"What are we dancing to Draco?"  I ask in a whisper.

"Your parents wedding song, the one you got your father to teach you. She taught me as well, do you remember the moves?" he asks. I nod my head smiling as I remember Dad teaching me before he died. We get into our positions and the band starts to play (video of dance above, please watch).

After the dance we kissed each other as every applauds us for the beautiful dance. Draco then leads me over to a four layered cake after he danced with his mother and I danced with Blaise. "It's your favourite, red velvet cake" Draco tells me as we cut the cake. Then feed each other a piece.

"So what's the plan after this?" I ask him.

"The party goes until midnight, but we are leaving at eleven to have our wedding night. Then tomorrow morning at ten we'll catch a private step to our honeymoon destination. Your mum will look after Buddy for us and we'll be gone for a month. When we get back everything will be in the new house ready for us. So we can move in and then all that is left to do is the nursery. But tonight is about us" he explains and I smile.

"You are the best husband ever" I state pecking his lips.

"And I only get a peck?" he pouts making me giggle before I give him a longer kiss. But I went to pull away, but he stops me. "Now that's want I call a kiss" he states when he pulls away and I smile up at him.

(Eleven pm) mature content below


Draco and I said goodbye to everyone before leaving. He had given me his jacket to keep warm as we got back into the carriage. We were then taken to a hotel fifteen minutes away and were taken to a master suite. Draco was kissing my neck gently as he opened the door. Once inside he shut and locked it behind us before carrying me to the bedroom.

He places me down kissing me gently before pulling away. "Mum left you something in the bathroom, I'll be waiting" he states. I smile and head into the bathroom to see a Victoria Secrets bag with green lingerie inside it. Blushing I undress and put it on before letting my hair down. I brush my teeth and remove my make-up. I now know why Narcissa had me do a bikini wax yesterday.

I take a deep breath before leaving the bathroom to see Draco sitting on the bed in dark green silk boxers. This isn't the first time I've seen him shirtless, but it still makes me blush. He smirks as he stands and motioned me to walk over. When I reach him he wraps his arms around me kissing me gently.

"Are you sure?" he asks and I nod my head making him smile. He kisses me asking for entrance and I grant it. As our tongues fight for dominance he lowers me onto the bed slowly getting between my legs. "I love you" he whispers as he takes the night dress off leaving me in my panties as I blush.

"I love you too Draco" I tell him as I try not to hide myself. He smiles kissing me gently before leaving kisses along my jaw, down my neck and across my collar bone. Before taking my right nipple into his mouth as he massages the other with his hand before swapping. Then goes down to my belly and smiles touching the slight bump.

"I can't believe our baby is in there and I already love it. No matter if it's a boy or girl" he states kissing my belly. "Can I please name him if it's a boy?" he asks.

"Of course, as long as I know it if it's a girl and we wait until birth to find out the gender" I tell him. He agrees and kisses me gently as he takes my panties off. I do the same with his boxers and see his erection standing to attention. It's huge, I don't know how all of it will fit. But I trust Draco.

"You ready baby?" he asks and I nod my head. He slowly eases into me inch by inch. Before he's fully inside and lets me get use to his size. I nod my head signaling he could begin thrusting and he does so. Slow deep thrusts hitting my g-spot each time as we moan/groan in pleasure.

Draco picks up speed as I moan his name loudly glad he put up a silencing charm around the room. I feel myself getting closer and tell him so. He speeds more and we both reach our high at the same time screaming each others names. He kisses me gently before pulling out and laying down beside me.

He pulls the comforter over us and holds me close.  "I love you and always will, you're mine now" he smiles.

"As you are mine Draco and I love you as well" I tell him. "I'm tired" I state yawning and he kisses my forehead.

"Then sleep, I'll be here when you wake tomorrow. Don't worry about packing your mum already did so" he assures me. Smiling I snuggle closer into his side and lay my head on his chest wrap an arm around his waist.

"Good night Draco" I whisper closing my eyes. I hear him wish me and our baby a good night. Before we both fell asleep together.


Picture above of wedding cake and picture on the external link of the reception. Video above of Alexandra's and Draco's first dance.

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