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y/n = your name
l/n = your last name.
y/b/n = your best friend's name
d/n = dragon's name
y/t = your town's name
e/c = your eye colour
h/c = your hair colour
d/k = dragon kind
o/d/n = other dragon's name.


Your POV

"Her wings are okay. She's able to fly now." Valka says while looking at d/n, who's flattering her wings a little bit. Toothless runs over to her and they cuddle up to each other, making Hiccup, Valka and I smile.

"They're so cute." I say softly and Hiccup nods.

"They really like each other." Valka says while looking at the two dragons who are falling asleep.

"Okay, its late and you two need to get up early tomorrow. Go to sleep." I nod.

"D/n?" She groans and cuddles closer to Toothless, who puts one of his wings over her.

"You can stay here if you want." Hiccup says and I smile.

"Okay." Hiccup looks at Valka who nods.

"But no funny business though. I don't need grandchildren yet." She says making my eyes widen and my cheeks get red.

"Goodnight mom!" Hiccup says while grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs. My cheeks are still red and I'm sure his are too.

"Uh, you can borrow some of my clothes." He says and I nod. Hiccup hands me a pair of leggings and a shirt.

"I'll uh, leave you alone so you can change." He says as his cheeks get even redder and I nod quickly. After he leaves I change quickly and let Hiccup come in.

"Uhm, s-sorry about what mom said earlier, I uh, we, she, I, uhm," he stutters making me giggle.

"It's okay don't worry." I laugh and he smiles.

"Okay, lets go to bed then." I nod and we lay down in his bed. He wraps his arms around me from behind and I smile while putting my hands on his which are on my stomach.

"Wait, don't you have things to do tomorrow?" I ask and Hiccup frowns.

"What things?"

"Chief duties and all that you know."' I say.

"Ooh that. Well, my mom wanted to take over until this all is over." I nod. I close my eyes and try to sleep, but I can't.

"Y/n... are you still awake?" Hiccup whispers after a long silence. I nod

"I can't sleep." I mumble.

"Me neither." He chuckles softly.

"Okay then.. let's just talk." I say. He nods.

"What was it like where you used to live?" He asks.

"Hmm.. it's hard to explain. Everything is a lot more modern than here, I'd say we're about 950 years in the future there." His eyes widen.

"Dang I must be old then." He says making me laugh.

"You'd be my great-great-great-great-great..." I say and I keep going making him roll his eyes.

"...great-grandfather." I say making him laugh.

"What else?" He asks.

"Hmmm.. well, we look different. It's hard to explain." How do you tell people that they're animated and you were real when they don't even know what animation is?

"Sounds like a complicated world." He laughs and I giggle and nod.

"And how did you get here?" He asks.

"I explained that already, there was this book-"

"Yeah but I know there's a part you haven't told me yet." My eyes widen and he chuckles at my surprised face.

"I'm your boyfriend remember, I see that stuff." He says.

"Okay.. how do I explain this." I mumble to myself.

"You're gonna laugh at this." I chuckle.

"So basically, in my world you guys were fictional characters in a book series that I loved to read."

"Wait what?" He says making me laugh.

"It sounds weird I know, but I've got the book with me!"

"Oohhh are those the books that I saw when you guys came back?" I nod.

"And I had been looking for the last book for so long but I couldn't find it. Then, y/b/n found it in this weird old shop and the lady was acting very strange. We bought the book and went home and when we opened it- you know the rest." He nods.

"So, you know a lot of things about us and dragons and you didn't tell us?" He smirks and I nod.

"I mean wouldn't it be weird if I'd be like 'oh yeah I know about you and your whole life because you're the main character in the books I read and I'm absolutely obsessed wit it, yeah no big deal'" hiccup laughs again and I smile.

"You're right, that would be-" he stops and the yawns (A/N: while typing this I yawned as well 😂)

"Tired?" I ask and he nods and cuddles closer to me.

"Night y/n, I love you." He whispers and kisses my cheek, making me smile.

"Good night Hiccup, I love you too." I whisper and close my eyes, falling asleep.


I jump up when I hear a scream. I look next to me and see that I'm alone in the bed. I look around and see Hiccup on the floor, turning around. He's crying and screaming. I gasp and jump out of the bed, kneeling down beside Hiccup.

"D-dad! No!" He yells as the tears keep rolling down his cheeks. I hold his hand and squeeze it a bit.

"Hiccup, it's me, y/n. Wake up! Wake up!" I say while he keeps turning.

"Dad!!" He yells and sits straight up, opening his eyes. He's panting and then I notice that he's sweating. He looks at me and tears fill his eyes. He hugs me tightly and rests his head on my shoulder. I hear the door open and look up, still holding Hiccup. Valka is standing there looking at Hiccup worried. She smiles a little when she sees me holding him, but I know she's still sad.

"I-I miss him so much, y/n." He sobs and I sigh and close my eyes.

"I-I want him b-back." He says and his voice cracks, making my heart break even more.

We just sit like this for a while, and Valka ended up leaving the room. I think she couldn't take it either, they both miss Stoick so much.

I notice that Hiccup isn't crying anymore. His grip on me has loosened and he's breathing slowly. I think he's asleep.

I sit a little straight, still holding Hiccup, and lean against the bed, closing my eyes. I don't want to wake him up right now. After a little while I fall asleep again.
Whooo I updated again! Hope you liked the chapter ^_^.

sO I saw the trailer of season 5 of rtte and ajdjjwjsjsjs I CANT FREAKIN WAIT TO SEE IT OH MY GOOOOSSSHHH AAAHHH.

I had to hold myself back from screaming because my family was in the room and ajiswjdjsjsj IM SOSO EXCITED.

anywaaayy I'm going now, see ya next time!
Xxx Damla

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