I'm a...Twin?!

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On March 31st in the darkness of the night, two beautiful little babies were born to two very overjoyed parents, Brent and Brandy Smith. These two little squirts were my brother Andrew and me. To our parents' complete disbelief, their little bundles of joy even came with special powers. They were thrilled with such a blessing and we were the most perfect family ever imagined.

But the sweet little family wouldn't be so perfect for long.

My dad was one of the most intelligent people ever known and after receiving a doctorates degree in college, he went to work with a group of men of his intelligence. Together the men came up with different ideas and inventions, pulling ideas together to create some of the best creations known to mankind.

Among these workers was a man named Zemlicka Greenhalch who had his eyes set on a bigger prize than just coming up with new inventions.

Zemlicka had heard of Andrew and I having powers and he knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted those powers and he would do anything to have them. In his mind he set up a very evil plan to capture Andrew and I, raising us as his children to have full possession of the powers he so desperately desired.

Being the runt of the twin set, my little heart had problems getting up to normal rates and I often needed to go to the hospital for checkups just to be sure that my heart wouldn't fail on me. It was nothing to worry about, just a precautious act. Two weeks after I was born, my father had taken me to the hospital for the second checkup when the most severe tragedy struck.

Awaiting my father to return home, my mother was desperate to escape the prison-like walls of their temporary apartment. All she needed was a breath of fresh air, so she hooked up the twin stroller and placed little Andrew snugly in the stroller to take a walk. If she had only known what was going to happen to her, she would have stayed home for sure.

Only two minutes away from the apartment, Zemlicka proceeded to attack my innocent mother. After refusing to give up Andrew to Zemlicka, my mother was injured by the greedy man, a bullet of his gun shooting into her heart before Andrew was swept away and kidnapped.

Minutes later my mother's life so tragically ended, the bullet wound being too severe and my father found her lying dead to the side of the road as he rushed back from the hospital in order to make it to dinner. His heart snapped like a branch on a weakened tree as he saw the love of his life laying lifeless on the ground and his baby son was no where to be found.

Losing his son and his wife was just too much and with one last effort to save his lost family, he knew there was only one option left. His heart squeezed tight in horrid pain as he wrapped his last reason for living in a blanket, his daughter and took her for a drive. Two states later he discovered an adoption center, where he left me to hopefully find a better life other than our small, broken family. It all but killed him.

While Zemlicka raised my twin brother and was still seeking me out, I grew up with a kind woman who had no children of her own and it was a very happy life for me. She provided me with the means to survive and happiness, giving me a happy life and my dad had wanted nothing else for me. But never, and I mean never would I have guess in a million years.

That I was a twin.

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