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(Author's Note: Hey Guys! I've had a lot of fun writing these, (I also have way too much time on my hands because it's Summer vacation) thanks for reading them so avidly! I'll be updating my other Rammstein fanfic soon, but first I wanted to present to you, Sonne. The next chapters will most likely be Ich Will, Du Hast, and Frühling in Paris. Don't be shy to request something! My main ships are also Flake x Till, Oliver x Schneider, and Paul x Richard, but you can request another ship if you want, don't be shy. If I've already written about a song you want to request, you can request it again, I'm very open to others. Since it's Snow White and The Seven Dwarves, and not Snow White and The Six Dwarves, this chapter will feature Zoran again! And with that, I give you Sonne!)

None of them really liked the job, but they were all good at it. And besides, most jobs didn't employ dwarves. If the mine caved in, they could easily squeeze out with their tiny bodies. This particular group of dwarves lived out far away from the city, and together. They were like family, and staying in a village, city, town, you name it, they would get harassed for being so small, no matter where they went, dwarves were harassed. Till was particularly prideful, so instead of living in a place where they could hurt his pride, he decided to live out with his fellows, who were the same as him. He breathed in the dust and coughed, his lungs were probably chalk full of dust and ash, but he could say the same for his fellows working alongside him. Till never wanted to work in the mines, really. He always had an affinity for music, so did his companions, aside from Zoran, who while enjoyed music, appreciated acting more, stage acts. He noticed his close friend collapse from behind him. Till looked over and stopped the drill. He shook his friend's shoulder.
"Hey Flake, is everything alright?"
"J-ja...just got hard to breathe for a minute there. I'm fine." Flake nodded, getting right back up with his pickaxe. Till smiled, you could never underestimate Flake when it came to mining. When it came to physical battle....maybe. He looked out at the mine's small entrance/exit, the sun was receding, soon their work would be done. Till went back to drilling until he saw something sparkle in reflection to the sun's golden shine from the entrance at the end of the cave. Till put his drill down for a second and used the shovel he had beside him to dust ash off the side. Till's eyes widened, and he smiled again, seeing the sight of a big chunk of gold. Flake noticed from beside him and bent down to look at it with him.
"Wow...isn't that a beauty Flake?"
"Ja...that's quite a big piece can make good money off that one..." Flake's eyes widened, patting Till on the back, he smiled.
"I'll have to take you all into town to get some drinks off this one." Till said, blissful thoughts of alcohol he hadn't had in awhile.
"Don't blow the money Till." Flake warned, eyebrows raised. Till faced him and grinned.
"I don't think it'll cost that much for us seven dwarves to get a drink or two for each. Besides, this is quite a bit of gold. And I'm sharing what I find with everyone."
"Ah, the good old saying "what's mine is yours", Till, you might be a little too generous. Whoever finds the gold gets a big chunk, and the rest of us get a little bit of the gold you got." Zoran said from behind them, and then whistled when he saw the size of what Till had found.
"Ain't that a beaut'. Guys, look what Till found!" The other four scrambled over and imitated Zoran's whistle.
"Good boy Till, you found yourself a good bit." Schneider teased, patting Till's shoulder.
"I say we all take the day off tomorrow and go into town for drinks! We deserve it, working almost nonstop as of lately." Till said, standing up with his big chunk. The others smiled, and applauded him.
"Aw Till, you don't have to do that." Paul said, smiled humbly.
"I don't have to. I want to. Come on guys, let's get home."

The dwarves sat eating their late dinner. It was usual for them to have a late dinner, unless their work in the mines ended up being fruitless, and they went home early. There were a few different mines they worked in, some were more fertile with gems and gold than others, but they always switched around, in case there was a little something hiding from them. Instead of having a quiet dinner, they laughed and talked with each other, overjoyed that Till had found something. They hadn't found anything in awhile. A couple of months back they had actually found some diamonds, and oh boy had they celebrated. Ever since then, their labor hasn't been as fruitful. They were using their nicknames they only used when they were in good moods. Flake was Doc, or sometimes fully, Doktor, mainly due to the fact he wanted to become a doctor at one point in his life, but no one would hire a dwarf for that job. Paul was Bashful, the name would speak for itself sometimes, especially if they went out and he saw a pretty lady. Zoran had been referred to as Sneezy, due to that fact he constantly sneezed after they got out of the cave. A dust allergy that managed to only take effect after the job was done. They called Oliver Dopy, much to his protest, Ollie hated being called that. They only called him that because of the way he spaced out sometimes, it was a little disturbing, the look in his eyes when he was deep in thought, almost like he was on dope. They called Richard Sleepy, because he couldn't stop yawning after a day in the mines, and Schneider Happy, because he usually had a good attitude after working. Till was often grumpy after work (unless they had struck gold, if you get the phrase), so he had that nickname. They didn't use the nicknames very often, only when in the best of moods.
"Pass the salt Dopy." Paul chuckled, much to Ollie shooting him a glare. Oliver ended up sighing and giving it to Paul, who looked like he was almost smirking at this.
"You guys need to hurry up and finish, I want to retire to the bed." Richard managed to say before letting out another yawn.
"You could always drink coffee. I'm pretty sure we're all going to be staying up talking, seeing how the mood is going." Flake shrugged, finishing up his food.
"Oh, thank a lot Doc, that'll keep me up all night." Richard frowned, looking over at Flake before yawning again. Flake rolled his eyes and brought his dish over to the sink. Before he could wash it they were all calling his name.
"Doc! Doktor! Play us a song on the piano." They all started begging. Flake turned around and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Why? I'm not all that good..."
"Come on, play for us!" Till insisted, eyes bright and happy. At this, Flake gave in, sitting at the piano and playing a bright and cheerful song, to which Till started making up lyrics and singing along. Before you knew it, Schneider was drumming his hands along on the table and other things around him, Richard and Paul were strumming on their homemade instruments, Oliver was singing a backup bass line, and Zoran was dancing around, using various things to entertain the other dwarves. They had a good night, and most certainly a good night's rest for Richard, who usually always slept like a rock.

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