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"Do you think that aliens exist? I mean, there's no way we can be alone in this universe, right?" Brian asked me after taking a drag of his joint.

"Why are you always like this when you're high?" I questioned as I stared at the ceiling. The floor was starting to become uncomfortable.

"It's either this or I act really gay."

"I think I'd prefer you acting gay. I'm not sober enough to think about aliens and shit," I responded as I rolled onto my side, facing him.

"Are you sure about that? Because that doesn't sound like a very good idea," he sighed and glanced over at me.

"Why wouldn't it be? It'd be better than talking about aliens and the Mandela effect," I smiled and scooted closer to him, taking note at the way he tensed up. "Unless, there's more to it than just acting gay."

"I have to pee," he said before getting off the floor and going to the bathroom.

I was never gonna get it out of him. I knew he was into dudes, I'd known for the longest time. I didn't know why he didn't want to tell me. It's probably because he liked me; he wasn't very good at hiding it. But still, we told each other everything. Maybe it'd make him feel better if he knew I liked him, too.

"Brian! Hurry up!" I yelled as I got off of the floor and laid down on the bed. I unbuttoned my shirt and left it hanging open, before kicking off my shoes and rolling another joint.

"Sorry," he mumbled when he came out of the bathroom. He took off his shoes before laying down beside me. "Johnny?"


"Why is your shirt unbuttoned?"

"I got hot," I stated simply before offering him my joint.

"What are you talking about? It's fucking cold in here," he said while giving it back.

"Maybe you can warm me up," I said suggestively and looked over at him.

"God dammit Johnny, you can't play with my feelings right now. I'm too high for this," he groaned and turned away from me. "Besides, it's not like you're into me. You're straight."

I glanced down at my crotch, and that's when I got an idea. It might disturb him, but at least I'd get my point across.

I unzipped my pants and pulled my length out of my boxers. I glanced over at him as I started to jerk off,  making sure to take in every part of him. I started thinking about him without clothes, and that's when I let out a quiet moan.

"Johnny, please don't tell me you're jerking off beside me."

God, his voice. It was so fucking sexy. He was fucking sexy. I looked down at his ass, which was covered by those damn leather pants. I wanted them off.

"Brian," I whimpered as I ran my thumb over the tip, wanting it to be his hand instead of mine.

"Johnny, you better not be fucking with me right now," he sighed before rolling onto his back and unzipping his pants.

"I'd rather fuck you than fuck with you."

"Dammit," he groaned as he started to stroke himself. "When did this happen?"

"A few months ago," I managed to get out as we made eye contact.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He whined.

"Doesn't matter. Let's just get one thing straight, I'm not."

Next thing I knew I was hovering over him, our lengths pressed together and our lips only centimeters apart. He quickly pressed his lips to mine, pulling me down so I was pressed against him in every single way.

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