Make You Feel

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I walked in silence as I made my way backstage after the show. I had just gotten the news that my baby, Lily White, had passed while I was on tour. That on top of the death of my father, crushed me. I was numb at this point.

As I opened the door to my dressing room and took off my shirt, my phone buzzed, indicating that I had just gotten a message. I didn't bother looking, it was probably just a friend back home sending me condolences.

I closed the door and changed into something more comfortable, before clearing out my stuff and heading back towards the bus. I picked up my phone and face palmed, seeing that I had a few missed calls from Johnny. Of course I just so happened to ignore the one person I actually cared about.

I called him back as I started walking to the bus, accompanied by my bodyguard as he tried to keep the fans away from me. After a few rings Johnny picked up, his voice soft in my ear as he greeted me.

"Hey, love." His voice was laced with compassion.

"Hey," I replied as the bus came into view.

"How are you?"

"Not good," I muttered as I dodged a girl trying to throw herself on me.

"I'm so sorry about Lily White. I know it must be hard, having lost your dad too."

"It is hard. I feel like I have no one left now; no family," I admitted.

"You have me," he exclaimed affectionately.

"I know, but you're not here, with me. Even though there are literally thousands of people here right now, I feel so alone."

"You're not alone, Brian. Isn't Twiggy there?"

"Yeah, but it's not the same," I sighed as I stepped onto the bus, everybody staring at me. "He can't give me what I need right now."

"Are you on the bus?" He asked as I heard something fall on his end. I could've sworn I heard something fall near me, too.

"Yeah, just got on," I muttered in confusion as everyone stared at me expectedly.

"Okay, I'll see you in a second."

"Wait, wh-"

He hung up. I stared at everyone, confused, until Twiggy nodded towards the bedroom. He couldn't actually be here, could he? I thought as I twisted the doorknob.

I opened the door and was greeted by the sight of him on my bed, sporting just jeans as he paged through the book in his hands. He glanced up at me when I closed the door, locking it.

He smiled sadly before getting up and walking over to me, wrapping his arms around me as I let everything out. I sobbed for what seemed like forever as he just held me. Somehow we ended up on the bed, my head on his chest as I cried silently, his fingers running through my hair soothingly.

"What are you doing here?" I managed to ask after I was done crying.

"I knew you needed me, so here I am. I hopped on my plane and flew out as soon as I heard what happened. I'm so sorry, Brian," he whispered as he placed his finger under my chin, lifting my face to look at him.

Without thinking I pressed my lips to his, needing to feel something, anything. And sure enough, there was that tingly feeling I'd been getting for the last year.

"Brian," he said against my lips as he lightly pushed me away. "What are you doing?" He asked sweetly, his hand on my cheek.

"Please," I whispered, tears in my eyes as our lips brushed together again. "Help me."

"What do you want me to do?" He asked before kissing me gently.

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