Welcome To The Family

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"Johnny, can we order pizza?" I asked as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Sure," he replied as he wrapped his arm around me and turned on the TV. He called the pizza place before turning to me and kissing me softly. "Do you know how much I love you?"

"Hmm, I don't know," I teased as our lips brushed together.

"More than anything. You're everything to me, Brian," he mumbled and came closer, pressing our bodies together along with our lips.

"Mm, the kids are upstairs," I protested weakly as he kissed my neck.

"So? They won't come down here, they never leave their rooms," he mumbled as he pressed his hand into my crotch.

I moaned softly as he pushed me onto my back and straddled me, rocking his hips into mine. He started to unbutton his shirt and unzip his pants, before pulling my shirt over my head and peppering my chest with love bites.

"J-John, the kids," I mumbled as he started to move down my body.

"It's fine, they're not gonna come down," he replied as he pulled down my pants along with my boxers.

I was about to protest again until I felt his tongue on my length, and that's when I surrendered and kept quiet - for the most part.

Five minutes later there were three fingers in my ass, a mouth around my cock, and he was jerking himself. I was doing my best to suppress my moans but eventually I just couldn't help it.

I moaned his name so god damn loud I was sure people down the street could hear. I clamped my hand over my mouth as I looked down at Johnny, who held a teasing look in his eye.

I was so focused on him that I didn't even see Lily-Rose walk in - right behind him - might I add. When I did notice her I screamed, the poor girls mouth was wide open and she dropped her glass of water.

Johnny came off of my dick with a pop and slowly turned around, as if he dreaded what was behind him. He face-palmed with one hand as he pulled his other out of my ass. I awkwardly covered myself as she closed her mouth and looked down at the ground.

To make matters even worse, there was a knock on the door. There was the pizza guy, staring at us in all of our glory. His eyes got really wide, then he set the pizza down and left.

"Well, uh, this is awkward. I'm gonna go back upstairs," she muttered and started to turn around.

"Honey, wait, I can explain," Johnny said as he zipped up his pants. I put my clothes back on and went to stand beside him.

"You don't need to explain. I kinda knew you two had a thing, anyway. I just wish I didn't have to see that," she mumbled and started to turn around. I gently grabbed her by her shoulder.

"You knew already?" I asked as Johnny wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Yeah. You're not exactly quiet, Brian," she chuckled and gave us a small smile. "But I get it, you guys are in love. And when you're in love you put your mouths on each other's private parts. It's fine, really. I'm just gonna need to go wipe my memory."

"Sorry you had to see that, dear," Johnny apologized as he took my hand in his.

"Me too, dad, me too. Just, next time, do it in the bedroom. Even though I'll still hear it, it's better than seeing it."

"Okay, thanks for not freaking out too bad," I mumbled as I leaned into Johnny.

"You're welcome, I guess. But also thanks, because Jack owes me ten dollars now."

"Huh?" Johnny asked.

"He thought Brian would be the top, I thought dad would. Also, don't think I didn't notice those promise rings. Welcome to the family, Brian." Then she turned and went upstairs.

"They don't have to know that I top sometimes, do they?" I whispered and kissed his forehead.

"Nah. Let the poor girl get her ten dollars, she's just been scarred for life," he chuckled and pushed me back down on the couch.

"Johnny, did we not just learn our lesson about this?"

"Yeah, but I'm still hard and so are you. How about a quick sixty-nine and then we can eat that pizza?"

"Okay, fine," I rolled my eyes and flipped us over before sitting on his face.

"You're supposed to take off your clothes first," his comment was muffled by my ass and I giggled when he slapped it.

"I'm not taking them off all the way," I chuckled and pulled them down just enough so he could have room, before leaning down and unzipping his pants.

I felt his tongue enter me as I wrapped my lips around his cock. I glanced down at the promise ring on my finger as I felt myself reaching the edge. I smiled slightly around him, feeling him release in my mouth as we came at the same time.

I sat up and pulled up my pants before laying down on top of him, connecting our lips. He smiled against mine as he laced our fingers together, bringing me closer.

"Welcome to the family," he chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

"Yeah, what a way to be welcomed."

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