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I held my breath as I watched Brian prance across the stage with his ass out. He knew that I hated it when he wore those thongs, so I never got why he tortured me like this. He had no problem with giving me an aching hard on, and probably giving every man in the audience one as well.

His ass was perfect and he knew it. He liked to show it off, and I couldn't really blame him. But, a part of me was jealous that I wasn't the only person seeing it. I wanted to be the only one to see his ass and all of its glory. I watched from backstage as he poured water on himself between songs, which didn't help my problem downstairs.

He glanced over at me and smiled, once again not helping. The next song started and I tried to look away from him but I just couldn't, he was mesmerizing. He started to sing the lyrics to The Dope Show, occasionally looking over to where I was backstage, searching for me, I suppose. I had moved to get a better view of his ass; guilty as charged.

Every move he made was so fucking beautiful, he was like a walking poster boy for the gay community. Except no one really knew that he was gay; yes they assumed, but I was one of the few people that knew for sure, and maybe that's because he'd been on my dick a few times.

In that moment as I watched him get down on the ground and bend over, I wanted him on my dick more than anything. I sucked in a breath and moved behind a speaker, attempting to hide my boner from the rest of the people backstage.

"Cops and queers make good looking models," Brian sang as he got back up, looking for me again. He found me that time, our eyes locked and I just gave him the 'I want to fuck you' look. Because boy did I want to fuck him; he made a good looking model on my dick.

He blushed slightly and looked back to the crowd, finishing the song and moving onto the last one. I couldn't take it anymore, I left the stage and made my way to his dressing room. I closed the door behind me and sat down on the couch, unbuttoning my pants and pulling my cock out.

Brian was going to be the absolute death of me, and I couldn't wait to tear his pretty ass up once he was done with the show. I would tear it up, yes, but I'd also go slow since I knew how sensitive he was. As much as I wanted to roughly fuck the shit out of him, I would always be gentle because he'd been hurt before, and I didn't want to join the posse of people that had hurt him.

I slowly worked my hand up and down my length, wanting to make myself last until he got here. I heard the music fade out and breathed a sigh of relief, now I would just have to wait for him to get to the dressing room.

At last, the door opened and he walked in, quickly closing and locking it behind him as he realized what I was doing. I leaned back and just kept stroking myself, gazing at him as he stood there not really knowing what to do.

"Come here," I muttered, stopping my movements to bring him close to me, kissing his soft lips and pushing his hair out of his face.

"I'm sorry, Johnny. I didn't mean to get you all worked up," he chuckled as he straddled me, rolling his hips a little.

"It's okay, love. Your ass is just too much for me to handle," I replied as my hands gripped his cheeks, pulling his thong to the side and sliding a finger down to his entrance. He gasped and leaned into my shoulder, his hands gripping my arms. "You okay? Do you not want to?"

"I'm okay, and I do want to; I just haven't had you inside me in so long. I don't want to get torn in half."

"I'm not going to tear you in half, baby. I'll be gentle," I assured as I slipped my finger into him, feeling his tight heat surround the digit. The noises he made as I fingered him just encouraged me to go faster. I kissed him as I pulled my fingers out, lining myself up and letting him sink down onto me.

"Christ, Johnny. You're huge. I almost forgot how big you were," he smiled and started to move on me, his walls clenching with every move he made. I had almost forgotten how good it was when we had sex.

Somehow he ended up on his back and next thing I knew I was pounding into him, holding him close as he moaned my name quietly. He was so good, so so good. I was trying not to be too rough, but my god it was hard with the way he felt around me.

I started to speed up as I felt myself getting closer, and he gripped my shoulders as I kept hitting his prostate. He kissed me and as soon as he did I was cumming, shooting my load deep inside of him and he whimpered as I did so.

"Johnny," he whispered against my lips as I recovered from my intense orgasm.

"Yes, baby?"

"I-I want you to eat me out."

And then I was hard again. God, I'd been wanting to eat his ass for the longest time. I'd even had dreams about it. I wasted no time pulling out and pushing his legs back, exposing his perfect little hole that was still tight after all of that.

I leaned down and started to eat him out, my tongue gently working it's way around his entrance, sliding in every once in a while. His whimpers encouraged me to keep going, so I pushed in a finger as my tongue worked the rim.

"J-Johnny, I'm close," he whined as he rolled his hips, trying to ride my face.

He wrapped his hand around his cock, and as I dipped my tongue into him one last time he came, he came so hard that he was shaking. I sat up and moved to kiss him, holding him close as he rode out his high.

"You okay?" I asked when he was finished.

"I'm great," he laughed, "How are you?"

"Amazing. I missed you," I stated before kissing him again.

"I missed you too." He smiled and gently pushed me off of him, proceeding to put on his clothes.

"Aww, why get dressed? I wanted to stare at your ass for a while longer," I pouted.

"We have to go soon, but you can get in my ass again once we get on the bus," he suggested before slipping on a pair of pants, smirking at me deviously.

I smiled. "Deal."

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