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I could feel the adrenaline running through my veins as the beat of the drum went along with the rhythm of my heart. I looked over at Brian as he and Alice sang the song. He looked over at me and my heart caught in my chest.

He started walking towards me and took the joint from my mouth, taking a drag before placing it back between my lips. He continued to stay in my personal space until he walked back over to Alice, making me blush like a schoolgirl.

As the song changed he came back and whispered in my ear, "I want you so bad right now." I glared at him, not wanting to be hard on a stage in front of a bunch of people.

I gently wrapped my arm around him and kissed his neck, making sure to get that one spot that made him squirm. I smiled at him when I pulled away, then he turned my head and planted a kiss on my neck, leaving a lipstick stain. I tried to hold back my smile but I just couldn't as I adjusted my guitar, glancing over at him as he exited the stage. He was so gonna pay later.


"Is. This. What. You. Wanted?" I managed to get out between thrusts, unable to keep my hands off of him as we fucked.

"Yeah," he moaned and wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me down to kiss me.

"When is everyone gonna be back?" I grunted as I picked up my pace.

"Soon. We better hurry," he whined when I kissed his neck and changed my angle.

"I can't believe we're having sex in our friends bed."

"Shh. I'm close, stop talking," he whimpered and reached down to stroke himself.

"No," I muttered, swatting his hand away. I wrapped my own hand around his dick and started to jerk him off in time with my thrusts.

We heard a noise downstairs and that's when I started going faster, harder, until we were both cumming. I clamped my hand over Brian's mouth, knowing that he was a screamer. We rode out our highs and I barely had time to kiss him before we heard footsteps down the hall.

I pulled out of him and threw on my clothes as he did the same. There was a knock on the door and I went to open it as Brian straightened the bed. I fixed my hair before opening it to see Alice.

"Hey guys. Why did you leave early?"

"No reason. We had to take care of a, uh, a disagreement."

"So, you argued so hard you switched clothes?"

I looked down to see that I was wearing Brian's clothes instead of mine, and mentally facepalmed. I looked back at Brian to see that he was suppressing a giggle.

"Look guys, I don't care that you're fucking. Just, next time, don't do it in my bed." He smiled at us before leaving. I closed the door and sighed, taking off Brian's clothes and throwing them back to him.

"This is your fault," I teased as I helped him out of my clothes.

"Hmm, I guess it is. I shouldn't have started with the PDA."

"Do you need to be punished?" I chuckled as I kissed him, feeling his naked skin against mine.

"Look, I've been holding your cum in my ass for the last five minutes for the sake of not ruining your clothes. I think that's punishment enough," he smiled and hugged me, kissing me on the cheek in the process.

"Shit, babe. Why didn't you let it out when I pulled out?"

"One, I didn't think I had time. And two, I didn't wanna ruin his sheets."

"Well, are you gonna stand there with your ass clenched or let it out?"

He rolled his eyes and kissed me as his body relaxed. "And now it's dripping down my leg. Great."

"I would volunteer to clean it up, but that's gross."

"What are you talking about? You love cum."

"Yeah, yours. Not my own," I chuckled as I grabbed a tissue and cleaned him up.

"Maybe we should start using condoms again," he laughed and kissed me gently.

"Nah. I like the feeling of you too much to go back to that."

"Yeah, I do enjoy having you cum inside me, despite the current situation."

"Mm. This is true love, having sex without protection."

"Shutup," he laughed and kissed me again. "I love you."

"I love you too. Now we should probably get back out there so they don't think we're having a round two."

"Sounds like a good idea."

We put our clothes back on, the right ones this time, before straightening the room and leaving. He grabbed my hand as we walked into the living room where everyone was. He kept kissing me the whole time we hung out, and that's when I started to think that maybe PDA wasn't such a bad thing.

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