A. Day That They'll Never Forget

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*A/N: Hey guys!! So the video above is the whole book trailer!! I'll try to make a different series explaining the characters if you want! Feel free to ask any questions!*


Her hair was a dark, deep brown that turned to a dark orange at the end. It was natural, something she loved about herself. One of the few things. Another, was how she so easily tanned, Something a little material, sure, but it made her feel warm, like a part of the world.

Her eyes were a dark brown as well, but a different kind of brown. A kind that only came from the deep ground. Soil that was saturated and spilled from your hand as you picked it up. But it wasn't cold like that soil. Oh, no. They were warm like the hot chocolate you drink after going outside in the snow or the feeling of the sun baking your arms on a sunny afternoon.

Everything about her was warm, especially her heart. She knew what it felt like to be hurt. She'd done it for plenty of years. She thought she'd be used to the feeling by now, but when the time came to leave Arizona, she felt her heartstrings snap with each step. It was a good thing she couldn't die because if she could, she'd be dead of a broken heart by now.

As she walked to the bus stop and gave the driver her ticket, she thought back to the last time she was in Presmont. The small town was probably nothing like it was back 100 years ago. There was no more mining, no more people. Now it resided in the shadow of the bluffs with only 2000 people.

She went to the back of the bus and made herself comfortable, it was going to be a long ride. She tried to think about something while she waited. How she would no longer be a skinwalker. Though, she never really was. She had always been a wolf. She knew she wasn't created for a dark purpose, unlike her friends in the southwest, and that was important. That was why she could go back home. Why she had to go back.

She had heard tales from friends in Oregon that had a protector like her. He too went away, to travel, to see the world, but when it came to someone being hurt on his watch, he suffered. It was the first time after 100 years that one of his people had been killed by one of those monsters, a vampire.

He didn't die. He had scars all the way up his back, and puncture wounds on his neck. He was affected just like the victim, Cut and bruised up. He felt it across the country. He came back right away, sensing something was wrong all along, and when he did, the scars went, but not all. It was when he killed that vampire that all of his pain went away.

She didn't want to go through this painful experience. She had wanted to go back for some time now. This was just an excuse, besides, the skinwalkers had been glum for the past few years. It rubbed off on her, so she decided to fix it. Bringing someone willing to be a part of their kind so she could leave.

Make no mistake, she didn't go home alone. As she looked out the window she saw her friend Charlie Schulz. They made eye contact and he smiled. She smiled too, she was going home and this would be the first time he would see it. Together they would have to start a new life together without being caught.

He got on the bus, navigating through all the people to get to her. Once he made it, he stuck his bag in the ceiling and plopped down, sighing in relief.

She looked over at him, his brown, chestnut hair falling into his eyes. His Hazel eyes looking more brown now than yesterday. He fiddled with his hands, something he always did. It made her think of the first time she saw him.

Sitting alone tied to a pole around camp. He looked up, wide-eyed and scared. He had been caught eating a sheep that belonged to the reservation. A vampire, but not one she had laid eyes on before.

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