Christmas Candy(One-Shot)

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I was sitting at my desk, working on my laptop, when Steve came in the door to the apartment we were sharing in DC

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I was sitting at my desk, working on my laptop, when Steve came in the door to the apartment we were sharing in DC. He insisted we were roommates, who happened to have sex more often than not. But he didn't want to admit we were living together without even being engaged. Sone old-fashioned things he held tight to. The apartment was covered in Christmas decorations, since it was his first Christmas in seventy years I went a little overboard.

"Is it strange that the snow and freezing temperatures don't bother me anymore?" He asked, brushing snow out of his hair.

"Um, seven decades on ice...nah, makes sense." I shivered as a small draft slipped through the window. I got up to secure it. "Us mortals are freezing our collective asses off."

"Uh huh, and you're how old, Miss Mortal? Come here." He took off his coat and bundled me into his arms, letting his body heat roll over me.

"The weather outside is frightful." I hummed, looking out the window at the large flakes falling. Steve chuckled.

"But the fire is so delightful." Steve sang in his clear, deep voice. He started shifting from foot to foot, rocking me. "Since we've no place to go."

"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow." I got up on my tiptoes and pressed my nose to his. He grabbed one of my hands and twirled me. His free hand went to my hip and he danced me around the apartment as we sang.

"Hmm, finally a song I recognize." He laughed. "So what do you want for Christmas?"

"Am I supposed to say I've been a good girl and sit on your lap now?" I rolled my eyes and went back to my laptop. I was working on some new tech for Avengers Tower. After our little skirmish in with Loki, Tony had given us Stark Tower as headquarters.

"After that stunt you pulled at the briefing meeting the other day, you are undeniably not a good girl." Steve picked up a book he was reading and sat in a chair.

"I was enjoying an Avengers themed candy cane that Nat gave me. How is that a 'stunt'? I smirked. Okay, so I may have been enjoying the candy cane more than I should've. Steve had been across me at the table, his eyes on me the whole time. He moved in his seat, adjusting himself. Unfortunately, we had left on a mission directly after.

"Blue balls hasn't changed in the time I was asleep, i can tell you that much." He muttered from the couch.

After our first round at the gym, we had slept together a few more times. Our schedules made it difficult as I was either in New York or on missions. And Steve was trying to learn everything about the past seventy years or on missions.

"Aww, poor Steeb. You forget that your hand is right there when I can't be?" I got up and walked over the couch to stand in front of him. I took his book and straddled his lap.

"See, naughty not nice again." Steve tsked. "You get no presents."

"I didn't ask for presents, Captain." I stuck my tongue out at him.

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