Chapter 15

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Kellin's POV

Here I was with Mike Tony and Jaime plus my guys and his parents, watching Vic . It was his first game and he wouldn't let us watch practice. I was ironically wearing one of his old soccer shirts with a beanie and jeans. I just gotten a hair cut so the curls curve at the beanie. I had like four hickeys on my neck from last night, we didn't have sex, but we have had sex. Two weeks ago. We have been together for six months, tomorrow. I was giving him a BTMH ticket, Meet and Great. He should like it. I hope. Along with, If he's okay with it, I'll get his initials tattooed on wrist.

He made a goal and everyone cheered, Mike and I may have gone a little overboard because he took a glance over here. I smiled over at Mike when we both sat back down. He was playing for the towns team, not school. I mean we're fucking graduated. "Kellin, you've never been a sports guy?" My dad asked.

"Nah, I'm an ass guy, and Vic's ass looks great on the field." I laughed when his eyes went wide. "Really Kellin?" His dad chuckled.

"Hey, if i've seen the ass, I get to talk about the ass. It's not a bad dick either." I couldn't help but laugh even more as I looked over to him. He hit me with Viv's purse. "I'll talk about my dick if you want?" I offered, which was only responded with another hit. I focused on the field and then he scored again, causing us to stand up again. But this time I felt a tug on my pants. My dad just fucking pantsed me. In skinny Jeans. "Mother fucker!" I yelled and pulled them back up quickly.

"Hey look at that, It's not a bad ass." Victor joked. "Y'know what. Fuck me." I huffed and sat back down comfortably.

"That's my brother's job." Mike patted my back.

The ref called out the game was off as I stood up, holding onto my pants. We all went down to the gates where players were but Vic wasn't there.

I left them to look around some. I figured no one was in the showers so I should be good to go look in there. When I went in a heard quiet sobs. Oh my, what if that's Vic?

"Vic?" I called out. I followed it and found him on a bench, head in hands. I knelled down and put my hand on his knee. He jumped up and smiled at me. "What's wrong?" I asked. He laughed.

"Nothing... Nothing. I'm just so happy to play again. I missed it, soccer was my life." He wiped his face. "You scared me!"I hit his shoulder lightly. He stood up and grabbed my hand, walking out with me and got in line with the other players to meet little kids. I leaned against the wall and smiled at him. He was so amazing. I love him.

"Sir, why are you staring at the player?" A little girl asked. I crouched down and chuckled. "He's my boyfriend, and he hasn't played soccer for about five years. I'm happy to see him happy. " I told her. She giggled. "That's cute. The one with long hair right? Fifteen."She asked. She was maybe about seven or eight years old. I nodded.

"Bye!!" She got in line.

I could never hate him at all. I fucking love him so much.

"Vic I'm gunna fucking Kill you! I hate you! You better fucking run and I'm not kidding."

Don't Let Me Go -Kellic (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now