A Secret Revealed

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It was about 10:30 when me and Ivan woke up the next morning. "Buenos días mi amor." He said and kissed me on the head. "Buenos días, meu príncipe." I said pulling his head down for a kiss. He jumped on top of me. He started to kiss me for a while until Jake walked in. "GUYS GET.. oops." We all started laughing. Ivan and I got up and got dressed. We walked downstairs. Jake said he was taking the boys to film at a trampoline park with the Dobre brothers. The girls decided to go shopping. I knew I had to work on my album so I stayed home. "Don't worry you guys can cuddle later." Jake said and Ivan wrapped his arms around me. We kissed goodbye and everyone walked out. I went upstairs to the studio room. It was so big. I grabbed my guitar and started to write.

An hour later no one was back yet. I decided to oovoo with my friends Symone and Hannah. I realized that I didn't tell them everything that had happened in the past few days. I called them and told them everything. They both started to freak out. They also surprised me by saying they were coming to visit tomorrow. I was so excited. I called jake and asked if it was okay if they slept over for two nights. Jake said it was perfectly fine with him. I got off the phone and went down to the living room to watch tv. Then, my phone went off. I looked down and a text read;

BRITTNEY- A secret could ruin everything for you honey. I secret I will spill. To the right person..

Story time;
A few years ago me and my mom were at our lowest point. She had to rob stores just to get me food. I hated it when she did that. When I was 13 I was beaten at school everyday. I became a very angry person. I hated the world and everyone in it. Brittney at that time pretended to be my friend. She ending up framing me to get me into more trouble. She claimed I had been cyber bullying someone at school, when really it was her using my cell phone. I was the one who paid the price for it. It was another reason I was happy to leave Toronto.

I knew who she meant she would tell. The agent. He would never continue with the album after that. I began to panic. When everyone got back home Ivan looked really upset. He just looked at me for a second and walked upstairs. I was so confused. I ran up after him. "How could you do that to someone?" He asked me. "If this is who you really are, I want nothing to do with you." He turned and looked out the window. He had thrown his phone, unlocked onto the bed. I looked on the screen. Brittney has posted the messages absolutely everywhere. "Ivan.. please sit. Let me explain." He turned around and sat with me on the bed. I explained the whole story to him. "Cali I'm so sorry I blamed you." I'll admit what he said it hurt. He noticed a tear fall from my eye. He wiped it away with his thumb. "Please Ivan.. don't leave me." He kissed me. "I would never. This girl Brittney better watch out though." We both laughed. I was still shaking. I was sure the agent had seen it by now. Ivan held me tightly. "I promise. We'll work this out together sweetheart." I cried into his shoulder. This could ruin everything.

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