Remembering A Nightmare

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At about 12:00 I woke up from a horrible nightmare. I've always had these scary dreams since I was a child. I was a very creative person, so my mind could picture some of the most beautiful and dark things. Ivan slowly sat up. "Are you okay my love?" He said putting his arm around me. He noticed sweat dripping from my head, as I began to fall off the bed. My vision was so blurry. "Cali!" I heard Ivan scream. I woke up a few hours later in a hospital. Ivan had his head beside my leg on the bed, holding my hand. He slowly looked up and a huge smile came onto his face. "Cali! Your okay!" He bent over and kissed me. "Yeah I just.. had a horrible dream." I said shaking. I started to cry. "Maybe it will help if you talk about it?" He said looking up at me. I started to explain to him how my dad was murdered. I always wondered how as I was so little. Apparently I was there when it happened, but I never remembered it. Ever since, I've had these dreams of seeing him die. I always hoped that the way I saw it in my mind, was never the way it actually happened. "I'm so sorry baby." Ivan said pulling me in for a big hug. It really did make me feel a whole lot better when his big arms were wrapped around me.

I was released later that morning, as it was time to go back to LA. When we got home, everyone was talking about needed a place to film some kind of music video. I decided to surprise them all with a trip to Toronto. Of course I wasn't gonna say anything till tomorrow though. "Babe?" Ivan said wrapping his arms around me. "Yes?" I replied. "I wanna take you somewhere tonight. Maybe help take your mind off things." He said smiling at me. "I'd love to." I said smiling and kissing him. Later that night Ivan took my out to the car. He picked me up when we got out and told me to keep my eyes closed. "I'm so confused where are we?" I said. "One.. two.. three. Open!" He said. I looked out at the same spot we were at on our second date on the beach. There were candles and music and food. We sat on the blanket. "I want to marry as soon as possible. I was thinking maybe two months?" Ivan said. That really wasn't a long time, and there was so much to prepare. But I loved him so much, and wanted to marry as soon as possible. "That sounds great." I said walking over and sitting on his lap. We stared out over the sea. I woke up a while later in our bed, with Ivan's arm wrapped around me. I must have fallen asleep at the beach. I drifted off again, thinking about the wedding. There was so much to prepare.

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