chapter three - i miss norwich

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Yay lets do this!


"What is new on the bucket list? Scuba diving perhaps?" He suggests, dropping his hands.

I scrunch my face at his comment and take no notice of him as he wraps his right arm around me and begins directing me out of the room. I hope we are going somewhere exotic, maybe a wardrobe shop?

Oh right! The topic at hand, Axel did find it irritable when I daydream during our talks, "I want to ride a rhinoceros! I'm sure we would have enough time today, I mean as you said, it is early, early enough for breakfast apparently! And I'm sure it only takes a few hours to make it to South Africa-"

"Try a few days..." He cuts me off, closing the door to my room behind us as we enter the dorms long hallway. The dull beige wallpaper becoming the new backdrop to our conversation.

"Well isn't that lovely! I can't wait!" I cheer. 

Chapter Five:

"Um, Axe?"

"Yes?... Ow!" I retract my hand from the swift hit I delivered across the back of his head, in the process, messing up his dark hair even more.

"This isn't South Africa!" I yell, crossing my arms over my chest and offering my best friend the most heart-wrenching pout I could perform.

He looks at me weirdly, surveying the crowded cafeteria littered with teenagers and big egos. I follow his gaze and scoff at how stereotypical the place was. The cafeteria was located in a building just beside the more massive courtyard I had been in earlier when it began to rain. It looks just as it did in the movies. White walls, white tiles, gross tables, gross food, bright lights, not so bright students.

"I mean... it's stupid hot, students are practically wild animals, this is the feeding ground," He looked back at me and smiled, "Find someone who has had one too many burgers and there you have it! A rhino. But please do me a favor and don't ride-"

I gasp at his harsh context, "How rude you crude!"

Axel laughs easily and ignores my horror as he snags my hand and begins dragging me to the punch line. The lineup was long but not so much that it would waste my time, though that could be debatable when I think about the reason for actually standing in line.

I could never understand the viral trend of girls loving food and spending all their time eating it. I was the complete opposite, it was sickening and gross, and it made me feel so sleepy afterward. I preferred to be fully energized at all hours. In my experience, eating was just as big of a waste of time as sleeping was.

But of course Percy knew that about me and insisted I join him at lunch every day, and since I always ended up with Axe in the morning, it was his job to make sure I had a full plate. My ways of getting out of this simple routine? Genius. My favorite was hiding a puppy I found in my backpack and feeding it everything on my plate. Norwich was a fantastic dog, but unfortunately, Axel discovered it after I took him out of my bag and he threw up my entire breakfast into Axe's brand new soccer shoes.

"I miss Norwich."

"I miss my shoes."

Well, that conversation is over...

"What is your opinion on poisonous food?" I question, but it isn't directed towards my friend but instead, the evil witch that was glaring at me from behind the counter.

"Wyn that's the lunch lady..." Axel whispers, his voice sounding uncertain. He totally agrees with me.

Gosh, how could I eat something that is being served by a woman whose name was probably Hagrid?

"Excuse me? My name is Lilly!" Oops, did I say that out loud? I giggle at the thought, that seems to anger the beast more.

"I am so sorry," Axel offers, handing me his full tray and pulling me behind him, as if that would do anything, it looked like it could spit a mile...

"That is a pretty name!," I shine, offering the unhappy witch a smile and turning around to see many people watching as the terrifying scene unfolds.

If Axel was expecting me to hang around, he was much mistaken. I couldn't possibly hang around any longer to look at the massive lady with an inhumane mullet and chipped yellow teeth to match. Very unfortunate if you ask me.

My smile remains as I venture through the crowd of pests- or, well, students?- in search of my beautiful brother and his bore of a best friend.

Percy met Calvin when we got here, and they had immediately clicked. We often argued, and our banter was constant, but I accepted the little fella as he made my brother happy. Whenever Percy wasn't with me, he was with him, just as I am with Axel. I am very rarely alone, even during the night, Percy said it is because I don't particularly enjoy being alone.

He is right, I could be alone but only with people, if I am ever alone without anyone with me I become lonely very quickly, and Percy said I don't do well when I am lonely. I am okay with the realization as it forces my two favorite boys to continually be around me. What more could you wish for?

"Oh look everyone! It's Ronaldwood's very own freak show," A nasally voice announces causing the entire cafeteria to quiet down and storm clouds to form above our heads.

Axel always told me to just walk away whenever the gremlins called me out, but it seemed like whenever they did my feet got caught in a puddle of quicksand. He always makes things sound more relaxed than they actually are. Gremlins are just too difficult to deal with, that's why I typically followed the rules.

Number one, don't go near them in the light, if it's too bright you can see the shade difference between their face makeup and the natural skin tone of their neck. Rule number two, stay away if there aren't drinking their usual low-calorie water, a drunk gremlin was a lousy gremlin! Finally, never offer them anything, whether it be before or after midnight, they will attack.

Axel told me my rules make no sense but really I just needed to make up something that could merit calling them gremlins, it seemed so fitting.

"Hey, joke!" They yell, snapping my attention back to them. Oh no, daydreaming while they are trying to be mean just gave them more to be mean about. How was it my fault for being a little less ordinary? Percy says that they had terrible logic and that I should never stop being who I am, whatever keeps me sane. 


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