chapter three part two - listen close you rat

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"Oh look everyone! It's Ronaldwood's very own freak show," A nasally voice announces causing the entire cafeteria to quiet down and storm clouds to form above our heads.

Axel always told me to just walk away whenever the gremlins called me out, but it seemed like whenever they did my feet got caught in a puddle of quicksand. He always makes things sound more relaxed than they actually are. Gremlins are just too difficult to deal with, that's why I typically followed the rules.

Number one, don't go near them in the light, if it's too bright you can see the shade difference between their face makeup and the natural skin tone of their neck. Rule number two, stay away if there aren't drinking their usual low-calorie water, a drunk gremlin was a lousy gremlin! Finally, never offer them anything, whether it be before or after midnight, they will attack.

Axel told me my rules make no sense but really I just needed to make up something that could merit calling them gremlins, it seemed so fitting.

"Hey, joke!" They yell, snapping my attention back to them. Oh no, daydreaming while they are trying to be mean just gave them more to be mean about. How was it my fault for being a little less ordinary? Percy says that they had terrible logic and that I should never stop being who I am, whatever keeps me sane. 

Chapter Three Part Two:

"Yes?" I respond, putting a smile back on my face and waltzing over to the table where they all sat. I always wondered how Axe fit in with these people, sure he had better skill than all of them combined, but he was kind, really kind. Besides, it was because I was friends with him that they picked on me. They couldn't stand the thought of one of them hanging around with someone who didn't dance in a short skirt or kick around a ball that was bigger than my head.

Sure I helped Axel practice when we were young, but he stopped letting me help him when I walked away with bruises on my shins and knees. Even with gear, I bruise really easily. Maybe it was really just because I wasn't cold enough for the sport.

When I got close enough to the table they all simultaneously look disgusted at the sight of me. Star, Axel's girlfriend was eyeing my sweater with a heated glare. Maybe she isn't too thrilled since it is actually Axe's. I giggle at the situation and proudly stuff my hands into the front pocket of the soft cotton sweater. She took my small action as something more and stood up out of the table with the intent to perform evil.

I wonder if she is a part witch? Or ogore maybe? Both could be very plausible. Then again she is actually stunning, her curly, golden blonde hair was perfect, not one long strand out of place, and her light, shiny blue eyes were practical to die for. She and Axel look outstanding together, the golden couple.

"When are you going to realize how much of a loser you are and back off Axel?" She questions, coming up to stand right in front of me. She is a lot taller than me, maybe as tall as Percy but not as tall as Axel, he was a skyscraper, or the leaning tower of Pisa seeing as he could never stand straight, he is always leaning on something, usually me.

"Well, actually Axel hangs out with me by choice-"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," She snares. Taking yet another step closer, "Now listen close you creepy skeleton," Her voice suddenly changes from annoyed to threatening. "Axel can do a lot with his skill, he can live an excellent life and go to perfect places, so if you really care about your 'friend' you'll back off and stop holding him back."

I didn't want to admit it, but her words seem to affect me way more than they should have, "How am I holding him back?" I question, hoping to catch her off guard, if she couldn't come up with an answer then it would prove that she is wrong.

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