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I began walking in the direction of some houses hoping to see if I couldn't find something else.

The soldier most likely wouldn't show back up on Dacia blvd. Not after his cover's been blown.

Who knows if he's even in Bucharest anymore?

He could've hightailed it as soon as he noticed the shopkeeper looking at him longer than normal.

He wasn't stupid. That's for sure.

I continued walking, I stopped a few people on the street asking questions.

Most of them seemed to be dead ends.

One woman said the man lived in her apartment complex.

He was a quiet, nice man.

She had no idea who he was.

She kindly showed me the apartment.

Maybe this would be easier than I figured.

People in Romania were way to eager to sell each other out.

I smiled to myself as I followed the tall woman up the steps.

She pointed to the door.

"There." She said in her native tongue.

I thanked her and waited for her to walk away.

Room 413.

I had to remember that.

It's not like I could exactly knock on the door.

I had no idea who I'd be met with on the other side.

The nice man I've been hearing about or the cold assassin.

I wouldn't take my chances.

I exited the building and walked over to the side.

I estimated where his apartment would be and I began climbing the scaffolding.

Once I reached his window I stooped down and leaned over to take a look.

It was empty except for given amenities and a mattress and a few sheets.

There wasn't much else I could see from the window.

I quickly ducked back down as I noticed the door opening.

I slowly lifted my head to get a look.

I almost screamed with excitement.

It was him!

It was the winter soldier.

Here I was beginning to think he was a myth.

He was tall and really muscular. He looked like he could rip my spine out with with bare hands.

His hair looked clean like he'd recently taken a shower. His dark brown hair fell in his face.

He wasn't wearing a mask this time.

I could see his whole face.

He was gorgeous.

I mean as gorgeous as a super assassin could be anyway.

He had a strong jaw and full pink lips.

He had a little facial hair.

Damn. He was gorgeous.

I shook my head and proceed to observe everything I could.

He had blue eyes, they looked less hostile than in his picture.

He had long muscular legs that were..oh shit.

I rolled to the side out of view from the window.

Not fast enough.

The window flew open and the soldier poked his head out.

I had subconsciously shut my eyes pretending to be elsewhere.

"Who the hell are you?" A deep voice asked.

I peeked through one of my eyes before turning to face the man.

I couldn't run, I was on the escape ladder, it wouldn't go well for me. For a skilled fighter I had poor balance.

I had to lie.

"I'm so sorry. I thought this apartment was empty." I responded in a sweet tone.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Who are you?" He asked again.

"I'm Stephanie." I straightened out my appearance so I didn't look so crazy.

"What the hell are you doing outside my window Stephanie?"

Nice my ass. This dude was a jerk.

"I um. Like I said I thought this apartment was empty."

"So what are you? A squatter?"

I shrugged,"No, not exactly. I actually have a hotel room but I'm hiding from someone. It seems like he's found me. I don't have money to buy another room so I was hoping to find one. An empty one."

He crossed his arms,"Someone is looking for you."  He restated rather than asked.

I nodded,"Crazy ex, you know how that is."


"Oh well. It's not fun let me tell you."

He gave me a blank stare. He was clearly annoyed.

"I can't go back to my hotel. I have no where to go."

"I can't help you."

"Oh." My face fell.

I stayed silent, playing the quiet game knowing I'd win.


My eyes widened.
"I really can't stay?"

He shook his head.

"I could get killed out there. I don't know if you've noticed but I'm not from here. I don't even speak Romanian. What am I supposed to do?"

He shrugged.

This guy is really gonna let me live on the streets.

"I'll make you dinner." I bargained.

"I don't have any cookware." He said back.

"I'll buy you dinner?"

He raised an eyebrow.

"No offense sir but by the looks of your apartment I think you could use a good meal."

He looked me over for a second.

"Why this is man looking for you?"

"I don't know." Time for a sob story. "He was always so possessive and when I ended things.." I fought back tears,"He didn't take it too well."

"Will he come here looking for you?"

I shook my head,"he isn't smart enough."

"Are you sure? No one can come here."

"I'm sure."

He nodded,"Chinese food please." He gave a small smile,"I'm starving."

I smiled back and nodded before saying goodbye and climbing down the fire escape.

Now where the hell do I find Chinese food in Romania?

Bounty - Winter Soldier Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now