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Sexual assault trigger. Nothing too crazy but you've been warned.

Being a SHIELD agent, we learn a lot of things.

But what we don't learn is how to drag a grown man weighing over 250lbs across a warehouse.

I soon heard light jogging.

"Stephanie!?" Bucky called out.

I let out a breath, "Oh thank God. I'm over here!" I called back letting go of the mans arm and bent over to catch my breath.

"Christ. Are you okay?" Bucky jogged up to me.

"Yeah. Fine." I tried to slow my breathing to normal, "That's a heavy guy."

"How the hell did you get him here?"

"I dragged him. Must've been the adrenaline rush from almost dying."

His eyes slightly widened.

"Joking. Sheesh Barnes."

"Shit." He bent down. "Did you do that to his arm?"

"Uhh yeah. Accidentally. There was a struggle and I fell on it at a weird angle."

He looked at me, bewildered.

"We gotta keep moving." He bent down and picked up the man with ease before putting him over his shoulders.

We walked for a moment in silence.

"He didn't hurt you did he?"

"Not physically."

"He scared you." He said rather than asked.


"I'm sorry. This is my fault."

My brows furrowed and I looked up at him.

"It's your fault I followed you here after you told me, multiple times, not to?"


He was quiet and so was I.

"It's my fault I dragged you into this. I should've just let you believe I was a bad guy and you could've went on your way. Safely. But I gave you my sob story and you pitied me enough to put yourself in harms way. That's my fault. But...I just didn't want you to go."

He didn't look at me while my heart leapt.

"Maybe I didn't want to go." I didn't look at his as I hoped for his heart to do the same thing.

"Let's get out of here okay?" He finally looked my way with soft eyes.

I nodded but stayed quiet.

We walked until we heard footsteps.

Bucky pulled me behind him.

It was Steve.

"Who's that?" He spoke looking at Bucky still carrying that man.

"He attacked Stephanie. There may be more on the way. We need to go."

Steve nodded and led us to a side door.

We carefully walked to where the car was and got inside.

Steve climbed on his bike and followed us.

I found a secluded park and Bucky stopped the car and dragged the man out before tying him to a post.

"So. What do we do now?" I questioned as I looked at cap then Bucky.

"Well. We wait him for him to get up" Steve informed.

"We're in public and this man is unconscious and tied to a pole...and you want us to stand around here and wait?" I fought back.

Steve gave me a look.

The kind of look that let me know he was getting tired of me.

I ignored it and walked up to the man bending at my knees I pinched his nose and held it shut until he gasped and his eyes shot opened.

I stood up and shrugged at the men and stood back in my original spot.

Steve took a deep breath, "Well then."

We stood around waiting for the man to realize what was going on.

He looked from Steve to me then finally Bucky.

He laughed.

"Now I'm familiar with the soldiers but who are you miss?" He looked directly at me with a tinge of anger in his eyes.

"She's none of your business." Bucky cut in.

"She broke my fucking arm and knocked unconscious. She is my FUCKING business!"
He yelled causing me to jump in surprise.

He laughed at my reaction.

"Such a pretty little girl. I bet the soldiers are enjoying you. I sure would. Maybe you should-"

I stiffened.

Bucky was fuming.

He walked up to the man and punched him square in the face before he could finish talking.

He bent down and roughly gripped his face, "You better watch your fucking mouth."

My eyes fluttered as I felt overwhelmed.


I was having flashbacks.

I tried to fight it but I felt my legs give out.

"Stephanie!" Bucky shouted as him and Steve came over to me. "Talk to me. What's wrong?"

I shook my head too shy to speak.

"She shouldn't be here. He's scaring her." Bucky said to Steve as I faded in and out of reality.

"I'm going to bring her back to the hotel." He added as he scooped me up and carried me to the car.

He shut the door and turned to Steve to briefly speak to him before he got in the drivers seat.

I leaned my head on the window and closed my eyes. Too embarrassed to speak.

I drifted to sleep.


I could feel him touching me.

Grabbing me.

Laughing at me as I stood helpless.

Crying. Scared. Alone.

I shot up and gasped grabbing what I could.

I held tightly ontoBucky's shirt as I breathed heavily.

"Hey. You're okay. You're safe. It was just a bad dream."

My breath hitched and I said nothing as he unlocked the door, walked in the room and placed me on the bed.

"I'm sorry." I finally spoke.

"No Stephanie-"

"You're right I should've stayed here in the room. I'm sorry."

He sat next to me in the bed and gently placed his hand over mine. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm just glad you're away from there and safe."

I nodded.

He got up and got me a bottle of water. He took my hand again. "I have to get back to help Steve. If you need anything call me. I'll answer. I promise."

I softly smiled at the man who was stealing my heart.


He smiled back.

"I won't be long."

Bounty - Winter Soldier Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now