Chapter 12

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When I got into the house, Dean was sitting on the red couch with a bottle of alcohol in between his legs. There was a bead of sweat on his forehead, but other than that, he looked perfect. Except that he had several visible veins on his face and neck. I winced. "I am so sorry." I sat down next to Dean. He sat up a little and adjusted the bottle.

"Mia, I'm fine. Just next time, train with Sammy for self defense, okay?" Dean chuckled; his voice strained. I put my arms around him, hugging his muscular middle. He wrapped an arm around my waist. This is just like Dean; covering up the pain with a joke.

"Until you feel like you can stand up straight without any pain, I'm going to feel bad. I meant to kick your knee or shins, but you moved!" I said defending myself, as I did not mean to so this on purpose. I would never have done this on purpose. I never will purposely hurt Dean, no matter what. Never.

"It's not your fault, Mia." Dean hugs me again and pulls me closer. I hear shuffling footsteps in the kitchen and a loud groan.

"Damn. What did you do?" Bobby came in, saw the bottle. I smiled, then quickly raised my hand to cover my lips.

"Self defense." Dean told him, smiling weakly. I slid slowly away from Dean because of Bobby.

"I'm fine. Here, take your whiskey." Dean pulls out the bottle and handed Bobby back his alcohol. Bobby went to the kitchen glancing over his shoulder as he left. Dean looked back at me. "How's your stitches?" Dean asked me. I snapped my eyes over to him, since I was staring at the doorway in case Bobby came back. I flex my knee.

"Sam took them out after we got here." I said and he nods. He gets up and limps to the kitchen, coming back with pie. That doesn't surprise me. He sat back down next to me and eats it. Cherry pie must be his favorite. Or Bobby only had cherry pie. "Mmm." He put his fork down and put the plate on a stack of books next to the couch as if it were an end table. "So. A little test." Dean told me.

"A test? On monsters? This'll be good."

"Yeah. So... Um... How does a normal apple-pie kind of life guy turn into a Wendego?" He asked, eating another bite of pie from the 'end table'.

"Eat humans. Then you can't stop." I said. Personally, I think that that is disgusting. Guh. He nodded, then looked away to think. He made a 'hmm' noise.

"Correct. What color is a demons eyes?" He inquired, looking at me with interest.

"Black, red and... white." Ha. Sounds like the American flag. With demonic colors.

"Correct. What demon has white eyes?" Dean fired back.

"Lilith." The Hell bitch.

"Correct. Looks like you did read. Wait... How about Lock Ness Monster?" He raised one perfect eyebrow at me as a question. I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Nessie? Not real." Dean and I laugh. He puts his arm around me and kisses my lips quietly. His lips were soft against mine. I tangle my fingers in his short, spiky hair. He groans.

"Ugh, this does not help." He shifted his body position, grimicing. I flashed him an apologetic smile. He kisses me again when I hear someone clears their throat loudly.

I look behind me to see Sam, looking everwhere but at us. Ugh. Really? "Dude, get a room." Sam laughs. He shifts his weight uncomfortably.

"Well, we were alone until you came in," Dean said as Sam rolled his eyes. "What up?"

"Job. In Denver. Lets go." Dean gets up and winces. I get up and follow Dean to the car. Sam explains the situation to Bobby, about having a case, and we leave.

"What's the job?" Dean said as he leaned against the drivers seat door. He looked between Sam to me, then back to Sam.

"Possible haunted house. Twelve people have gone missing in the last forty five years."

"Sounds fun." I said sarcastically.

Sam and Dean exchanged glances again. Sam cleared his throat. "Mia," He began, but trailed of, like he didn't know how to start. "We think that you should stay with Bobby."

"What? No! No offense, but I am not staying here with a man that I don't even know!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air to prove my point.

"As of about a few weeks ago, you didn't know us." Dean countered. I know they both want what best for me, but I don't care. I want to be with them, as a hunter - in - training.

"Plus, we don't want you getting hurt. You're inexperienced, we're not." Sam added, giving me his gentle, caring look. I laughed humorlessly.

"No. The best way to learn is doing it yourselves. I won't learn how to do any of these things that you do from old books and a target." I crossed my arms and shook my head. I'm stubborn and willing to do anything; I'm going to be a hunter.

Both brothers sigh, knowing that I want going to back down. "Fine. Denver, here we come." Dean remarked. We all pile into the car as he pulled onto the highway. And we were off, once again.

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