Chapter 23

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Yellow Eyes laughed when I tried to push him away with my mind. "Oh, you don't have the juice to take on me." He said, wagging his finger at me, pissing me off even more.

"I did last night." I said smugly, a smirk planted across my lips. He raised one eye brow at me in a taunting way.

"Beginners luck." Yellow Eyes laughs again with a shrug of his shoulders. He threw me against a wall with a flick of his hand and - with his other hand - cut deeper into Dean and I cried out. Dean! I tried to get off of the wall, to save him, but Yellow Eyes was too strong.

Dean heart monitor was racing faster and faster as he was cut into. Yellow Eyes was going to kill him. "No! No, please!" I cried out. Dean was having a hard time breathing, taking short raspy breaths. Silent tears were falling down my face, but I didn't care. Dean was more important.

"What would you do if I," Yellow Eyes says tauntingly, Deans cuts grew bigger,"Hurt him worse?"

"Hurt me, not him." I said, my vision slightly blurry from tears. I blink hurriedly, looking at Yellow Eyes. Dean grunted and shook his head slowly. He took in shorter breaths and started shaking slightly.

"I think that I'll say... No." He cut deeper into Dean. Dean was yelling, now; through his teeth. He was having a hard time catching his raspy breath. There were less and less breaths every passing second.

The worst thing that could happen did; Dean heart stopped. I cried out. Yellow Eyes laughed and disappeared, letting me run over to Dean. Tears slowly fell down my cheeks. Everything felt like a million miles away. All because Dean's dead. I felt numb with shock and pain. This was worse than with Andrew. It was Dean. Dean is dead, and I could've dead something to stop it.

I heard someone enter the room. Then two coffee cups dropped. Sam must be in here. I turn around and hugged him. A docter and several nurses came in and tried to restart Dean heart, but it was no use. Sam's arms around me tightened. Everything looked like it was spinning. I didn't hear anything except for the heart monitor that was shut off after several minutes of flatlining, didn't see much besides Dean's body, couldn't hear anything except Sam whispering,"Its okay, everything gonna be okay."

The nurse pulled the blanket over Dean's head and I lost it. I started crying hard. Harder then when my parents died, even. I ran out to the impala. I just sat and cried. And cried.


I was soon out of tears, so I wiped my cheeks. Sam came out about 5 minutes later and got in the drivers. We went back to the hotel to get some sleep.

Sam changed in the bathroom as I thought about my plan. I changed into mine after Sam got out. Ok, I'm going to go after about an hours sleep or so. I thought. Sam will still have the keys in his coat, which is on the table.

Sam got under the covers like a robot. Just going through the motions. The ingredients that I need are in the false bottom so that won't be a problem. He still hasn't said anything to me after the hospital room. I slid under the covers and fell asleep.

About an hour later, I woke up. Sam was still sleeping. I got dressed and grabbed my black jacket. So far so good I though as I took the keys from his coat pocket. Sam tossed and turned, probably having another nightmare. I grab a room key and head it the door quietly. Highway to Hell came on and I shut it off quickly. No need to remind myself where I'm going.

I drove to the graveled cross roads. I parked and grabbed the things I needed to summon a cross roads demon. I walk over to the center if the roads and get down in a squatting position. After digging a small hole, I put in the small box and covered it up. The next few moments are earily silent.

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